
Lelystad is a city within the municipality of Lelystad in the Dutch province of Flevoland. View below an overview of all zipcodes, streets, districts and neighborhoods of Lelystad.

General information Lelystad

Overview Lelystad
Municipality Lelystad
Province Flevoland

Postal code numbers of Lelystad

Lelystad has a total of 22 unique postcode numbers. Below is an overview of all postcode numbers of Lelystad. Click on the relevant zip code number to view more zip code and address information.

8211 8212 8218 8219 8221 8222 8223 8224 8225 8226 8231 8232 8233 8239 8241 8242 8243 8244 8245 8200 8203 8202

Neighborhoods of Lelystad

Lelystad is subdivided into 11 different neighborhoods.

Zuiderzeewijk Atolwijk Boswijk Waterwijk-Landerijen Bolder Kustwijk Havendiep Lelystad-Haven Stadshart Buitengebied Warande

Lelystad on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Lelystad

Latitude and longitude of Lelystad
Latitude (N): 52.54272549
Longitude (E): 5.37476449

Homes for sale in Lelystad

Newest houses for sale in Lelystad.

Zoom 20 11
8225 KP Lelystad
€ 332.000 k.k.
Kempenaar 06 24
8231 VB Lelystad
€ 322.000 k.k.
Waterviolier 25
8245 JH Lelystad
€ 1.150.000 k.k.
Waterviolier 21
8245 JH Lelystad
€ 695.000 k.k.
Pauwenburg 92
8226 TA Lelystad
€ 465.000 k.k.

Homes for rent in Lelystad

Newest houses for rent in Lelystad.

Kamp 13 36
8225 GA Lelystad
€ 1.900 per maand (geen servicekosten)
Botter 31 29
8243 KG Lelystad
€ 1.650 per maand (geen servicekosten)
Zomerlinde 7
8224 JW Lelystad
€ 1.145 per maand (geen servicekosten)
Bastion 276 berging
8223 GD Lelystad
€ 9.500 k.k.
Karveel 45 10
8242 VA Lelystad
€ 2.200 per maand (geen servicekosten)


In which municipality is Lelystad located?

Lelystad is located in the municipality of Lelystad within the province of Flevoland.

How many zipcodes does the place Lelystad have?

Lelystad has 22 unique zipcodes.

How many streets does the place Lelystad have?

Lelystad has 1024 streets.