
Rotterdam is a city within the municipality of Rotterdam in the Dutch province of Zuid-Holland. View below an overview of all zipcodes, streets, districts and neighborhoods of Rotterdam.

General information Rotterdam

Overview Rotterdam
Municipality Rotterdam
Province Zuid-Holland

Postal code numbers of Rotterdam

Rotterdam has a total of 75 unique postcode numbers. Below is an overview of all postcode numbers of Rotterdam. Click on the relevant zip code number to view more zip code and address information.

3011 3012 3013 3014 3015 3016 3021 3022 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 3028 3029 3031 3032 3033 3034 3035 3036 3037 3038 3039 3041 3042 3043 3044 3045 3046 3047 3051 3052 3053 3054 3055 3056 3059 3061 3062 3063 3064 3065 3066 3067 3068 3069 3071 3072 3073 3074 3075 3076 3077 3078 3079 3081 3082 3083 3084 3085 3086 3087 3088 3089 3000 3003 3006 3008 3002 3009 3007 3004 3001 3005

Rotterdam on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Rotterdam

Latitude and longitude of Rotterdam
Latitude (N): 51.92248806
Longitude (E): 4.48653571

Homes for sale in Rotterdam

Newest houses for sale in Rotterdam.

Gordelweg 53 b
3037 AE Rotterdam
€ 465.000 k.k.
Nassauhaven 300
3071 JK Rotterdam
€ 329.000 k.k.
Stadhoudersweg 16 b
3039 CB Rotterdam
€ 339.000 k.k.
Müllerkade 611
3024 EP Rotterdam
€ 689.500 k.k.
Mariniersweg 199
3011 NL Rotterdam
€ 325.000 k.k.

Homes for rent in Rotterdam

Newest houses for rent in Rotterdam.

Jufferstraat 400
3011 XM Rotterdam
€ 1.695 per maand (exclusief servicekosten à € 40,0 /mnd)
Mauritsweg 42 B
3012 JV Rotterdam
€ 2.500 per maand (geen servicekosten)
Heemraadssingel 108 A2
3021 DH Rotterdam
€ 1.800 per maand (geen servicekosten)
Abeelhof 21
3053 KL Rotterdam
€ 4.500 per maand (geen servicekosten)
Cornelis Drebbelhof 4
3045 CE Rotterdam
€ 6.000 per maand (geen servicekosten)


In which municipality is Rotterdam located?

Rotterdam is located in the municipality of Rotterdam within the province of Zuid-Holland.

How many zipcodes does the place Rotterdam have?

Rotterdam has 75 unique zipcodes.

How many streets does the place Rotterdam have?

Rotterdam has 4408 streets.