Neighborhood Klarendal in municipality Arnhem

General information Klarendal

Overview Klarendal
Municipality Arnhem
Province Gelderland
City Arnhem

Postal code numbers of the neighborhood of Klarendal

Neighborhood Klarendal has a total of 3 unique postcode numbers. Below is an overview of all postcode numbers of Klarendal. Click on the relevant zip code number to view more zip code and address information.

6821 6822 6824

Klarendal on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Klarendal

Latitude and longitude of Klarendal
Latitude (N): 51.98982816
Longitude (E): 5.92227776

Homes for sale in neighborhood Klarendal

Newest houses for sale in Klarendal.

Rosendaalsestraat 14
6824 CM Arnhem
€ 375.000 k.k.
Onder de Linden 53 d
6822 KH Arnhem
€ 345.000 k.k.
Noordpad 58 -2
6822 JJ Arnhem
€ 219.000 k.k.
Catharijnestraat 115
6822 CC Arnhem
€ 279.000 k.k.
Rosendaalsestraat 251
6824 CG Arnhem
€ 325.000 k.k.

Homes for rent in neighborhood Klarendal

Newest houses for rent in Klarendal.

Klarendalseweg 276
6822 GL Arnhem
€ 1.375 per maand (geen servicekosten)
Hemonylaan 51
6822 KE Arnhem
€ 1.395 per maand (geen servicekosten)
Rosendaalsestraat 14
6824 CM Arnhem
€ 1.495 per maand (exclusief servicekosten à € 50,0 /mnd)
West-Peterstraat 59
6822 AB Arnhem
€ 1.750 per maand (inclusief servicekosten à € 455,0 /mnd)
De Kapel 39
6822 GC Arnhem
€ 1.325 per maand (servicekosten onbekend)


To which municipality does the neighborhood Klarendal belong?

The neighborhood Klarendal belongs to municipality Arnhem.

To which province does the neighborhood Klarendal belong?

The province Klarendal belongs to province Gelderland.