flag municipality Beekdaelen emblem municipality Beekdaelen


Municipality of Beekdaelen is a municipality in the province of Limburg.

Information municipality Beekdaelen

Overview municipality Beekdaelen
Number of places 14
Municipality Beekdaelen
Province Limburg

Postal code numbers of the municipality of Beekdaelen

The Municipality of Beekdaelen has a total of 16 unique postcode numbers. Below is an overview of all postcode numbers in the municipality of Beekdaelen. Click on the relevant zip code number to view more zip code and address information.

6155 6174 6333 6336 6361 6363 6365 6436 6438 6439 6447 6451 6454 6456 6360 6450

Neighborhoods of the municipality of Beekdaelen

The municipality of Beekdaelen is subdivided into 7 different neighborhoods.

Municipality Beekdaelen on the map

Geographic (GPS) information province Beekdaelen

Latitude and longitude of the province of Beekdaelen
Latitude (N): 50.93672588
Longitude (E): 5.89712107

Places in the municipality Beekdaelen

The municipality of Beekdaelen has a total 14 places.

The largest places in municipality Beekdaelen

Homes for sale in the municipality of Beekdaelen

Newest houses for sale in the municipality Beekdaelen.

Lindelaan 78
6438 HJ Oirsbeek
Bernhardstraat 6
6336 TN Hulsberg
Hommerterweg 255
6436 AK Amstenrade
Parklaan 54
6361 VW Nuth
Quabeekstraat 3
6454 BD Jabeek

Homes for rent in the municipality of Beekdaelen

Newest houses for rent in the municipality Beekdaelen.

Dorpsstraat 151-C
6456 AC Bingelrade
€ 775 per maand (geen servicekosten)
Parklaan 58
6361 VW Nuth
€ 825 per maand (exclusief servicekosten à € 50,00 /mnd)
Provincialeweg Noord 87
6439 AB Doenrade
€ 1.350 per maand (exclusief servicekosten à € 300,00 /mnd)
Borgerweg 2
6365 CW Schinnen
€ 1.395 per maand (geen servicekosten)
Achter de Kerk 1-D
6365 CP Schinnen
€ 1.200 per maand (geen servicekosten)


How many places does the municipality Beekdaelen of province Limburg have?

The municipality Beekdaelen of province Limburg has 14 places.