Neighborhood Delftwijk in municipality Haarlem

General information Delftwijk

Overview Delftwijk
Municipality Haarlem
Province Noord-Holland
City Haarlem

Postal code numbers of the neighborhood of Delftwijk

Neighborhood Delftwijk has a total of 1 unique postcode numbers. Below is an overview of all postcode numbers of Delftwijk. Click on the relevant zip code number to view more zip code and address information.


Delftwijk on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Delftwijk

Latitude and longitude of Delftwijk
Latitude (N): 52.41605121
Longitude (E): 4.64611898

Homes for sale in neighborhood Delftwijk

Newest houses for sale in Delftwijk.

P.C. Boutensstraat 153
2025 LC Haarlem
€ 340.000 k.k.
Waalstraat 11
2025 RV Haarlem
€ 550.000 k.k.
Du Perronstraat 15
2025 GG Haarlem
€ 50.000 k.k.
Rijnstraat 111
2025 RP Haarlem
€ 595.000 k.k.
Rijksstraatweg 397
2025 DB Haarlem
€ 325.000 k.k.

Homes for rent in neighborhood Delftwijk

Newest houses for rent in Delftwijk.

Marsmanplein 36
2025 DT Haarlem
€ 1.850 per maand (servicekosten onbekend)
Dokter De Liefdestraat 89
2025 DZ Haarlem
€ 1.895 per maand (geen servicekosten)
Garmt Stuivelingstraat 88
2025 GP Haarlem
€ 1.790 per maand (exclusief servicekosten à € 19,0 /mnd)
Herman van den Berghstraat 54
2025 GS Haarlem
€ 1.790 per maand (exclusief servicekosten à € 18,0 /mnd)
Marsmanplein 152
2025 DV Haarlem
€ 1.625 per maand (geen servicekosten)


To which municipality does the neighborhood Delftwijk belong?

The neighborhood Delftwijk belongs to municipality Haarlem.

To which province does the neighborhood Delftwijk belong?

The province Delftwijk belongs to province Noord-Holland.