Neighborhood Molenwijk in municipality Haarlem

General information Molenwijk

Overview Molenwijk
Municipality Haarlem
Province Noord-Holland
City Haarlem

Postal code numbers of the neighborhood of Molenwijk

Neighborhood Molenwijk has a total of 3 unique postcode numbers. Below is an overview of all postcode numbers of Molenwijk. Click on the relevant zip code number to view more zip code and address information.

2034 2036 2037

Molenwijk on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Molenwijk

Latitude and longitude of Molenwijk
Latitude (N): 52.34828501
Longitude (E): 4.64866892

Homes for sale in neighborhood Molenwijk

Newest houses for sale in Molenwijk.

Prattenburg 357
2036 SM Haarlem
€ 275.000 k.k.
Weldam 43
2036 CG Haarlem
€ 475.000 k.k.
Engelenburg 16
2036 RR Haarlem
€ 365.000 k.k.
Engelenburg 391
2036 RM Haarlem
€ 350.000 k.k.
Pampus 72
2036 TB Haarlem
€ 345.000 k.k.

Homes for rent in neighborhood Molenwijk

Newest houses for rent in Molenwijk.

Sandenburg 182
2036 PV Haarlem
€ 1.885 per maand (geen servicekosten)
Prattenburg 76
2036 SP Haarlem
€ 1.850 per maand (geen servicekosten)
Engelenburg 11
2036 RA Haarlem
€ 1.695 per maand (geen servicekosten)
Scharreveld 77
2036 BC Haarlem
€ 250 per maand (geen servicekosten)
Prattenburg 76
2036 SP Haarlem
€ 1.950 per maand (geen servicekosten)


To which municipality does the neighborhood Molenwijk belong?

The neighborhood Molenwijk belongs to municipality Haarlem.

To which province does the neighborhood Molenwijk belong?

The province Molenwijk belongs to province Noord-Holland.