Neighborhood Wijk 01 Binnenstad in municipality Harderwijk

General information Wijk 01 Binnenstad

Overview Wijk 01 Binnenstad
Municipality Harderwijk
Province Gelderland
City Harderwijk

Postal code numbers of the neighborhood of Wijk 01 Binnenstad

Neighborhood Wijk 01 Binnenstad has a total of 2 unique postcode numbers. Below is an overview of all postcode numbers of Wijk 01 Binnenstad. Click on the relevant zip code number to view more zip code and address information.

3841 3846

Wijk 01 Binnenstad on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Wijk 01 Binnenstad

Latitude and longitude of Wijk 01 Binnenstad
Latitude (N): 52.35082616
Longitude (E): 5.61772215

Homes for sale in neighborhood Wijk 01 Binnenstad

Newest houses for sale in Wijk 01 Binnenstad.

Luttekepoortstraat 168
3841 AX Harderwijk
Israelstraat 1-A
3841 CL Harderwijk
Blokhuis 15
3841 EA Harderwijk
Molenstraat 2
3841 AE Harderwijk
Hoogstraat 29
3841 BR Harderwijk

Homes for rent in neighborhood Wijk 01 Binnenstad

Newest houses for rent in Wijk 01 Binnenstad.

Hoogstraat 45-A
3841 BR Harderwijk
€ 1.600 per maand (geen servicekosten)
Donkerstraat 51
3841 CB Harderwijk
€ 1.250 per maand (geen servicekosten)
Donkerstraat 51-D
3841 CB Harderwijk
€ 1.250 per maand (geen servicekosten)
Muntplein 23
3841 EE Harderwijk
€ 1.955 per maand (servicekosten onbekend)
Straat van Sevenhuysen 3-B
3841 CZ Harderwijk
€ 995 per maand (exclusief servicekosten à € 25,00 /mnd)


To which municipality does the neighborhood Wijk 01 Binnenstad belong?

The neighborhood Wijk 01 Binnenstad belongs to municipality Harderwijk.

To which province does the neighborhood Wijk 01 Binnenstad belong?

The province Wijk 01 Binnenstad belongs to province Gelderland.