Neighborhood Wijk 03 Haarsteeg in municipality Heusden

General information Wijk 03 Haarsteeg

Overview Wijk 03 Haarsteeg
Municipality Heusden
Province Noord-Brabant
City Haarsteeg

Postal code numbers of the neighborhood of Wijk 03 Haarsteeg

Neighborhood Wijk 03 Haarsteeg has a total of 1 unique postcode numbers. Below is an overview of all postcode numbers of Wijk 03 Haarsteeg. Click on the relevant zip code number to view more zip code and address information.


Wijk 03 Haarsteeg on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Wijk 03 Haarsteeg

Latitude and longitude of Wijk 03 Haarsteeg
Latitude (N): 51.71452687
Longitude (E): 5.19960227

Homes for sale in neighborhood Wijk 03 Haarsteeg

Newest houses for sale in Wijk 03 Haarsteeg.

Claudius Civilis 16
5254 GD Haarsteeg
Mommersteeg 7
5254 VK Haarsteeg
Jaap Edenbaan 10
5254 GH Haarsteeg
€ 700.000 k.k.
Meester Prinsenstraat 27 A
5254 JB Haarsteeg
€ 650.000 k.k.
Ambrosiushof 75
5254 HB Haarsteeg
€ 575.000 k.k.

Homes for rent in neighborhood Wijk 03 Haarsteeg

Newest houses for rent in Wijk 03 Haarsteeg.

Oude Haven 6
5254 KB Haarsteeg
€ 1.950 per maand (geen servicekosten)
De Hoeven 23
5254 JW Haarsteeg
€ 1.195 per maand (geen servicekosten)


To which municipality does the neighborhood Wijk 03 Haarsteeg belong?

The neighborhood Wijk 03 Haarsteeg belongs to municipality Heusden.

To which province does the neighborhood Wijk 03 Haarsteeg belong?

The province Wijk 03 Haarsteeg belongs to province Noord-Brabant.