Neighborhood Kreileroord in municipality Hollands Kroon

General information Kreileroord

Overview Kreileroord
Municipality Hollands Kroon
Province Noord-Holland
City Kreileroord

Postal code numbers of the neighborhood of Kreileroord

Neighborhood Kreileroord has a total of 1 unique postcode numbers. Below is an overview of all postcode numbers of Kreileroord. Click on the relevant zip code number to view more zip code and address information.


Streets in neighborhood Kreileroord

Overview of the streets in the neighborhoods Kreileroord. Click on the relevant street to view more zip code and address information.

Landbouwstraat Gijs van Gaalenstraat Klaverstraat Bollenstraat Tuinbouwstraat Vlasstraat Korenstraat Korenhof

Kreileroord on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Kreileroord

Latitude and longitude of Kreileroord
Latitude (N): 52.84221736
Longitude (E): 5.08258333

Homes for sale in neighborhood Kreileroord

Newest houses for sale in Kreileroord.

Korenhof 3
1773 AT Kreileroord
€ 439.500 k.k.
Korenstraat (Bouwnr. 4)
1773 AS Kreileroord
Korenstraat (Bouwnr. 5)
1773 AS Kreileroord
Korenstraat (Bouwnr. 3)
1773 AS Kreileroord
Korenstraat (Bouwnr. 1)
1773 AS Kreileroord


To which municipality does the neighborhood Kreileroord belong?

The neighborhood Kreileroord belongs to municipality Hollands Kroon.

To which province does the neighborhood Kreileroord belong?

The province Kreileroord belongs to province Noord-Holland.