Neighborhood Wijk 39 Binckhorst in municipality 's-Gravenhage

General information Wijk 39 Binckhorst

Overview Wijk 39 Binckhorst
Municipality 's-Gravenhage
Province Zuid-Holland
City 's-Gravenhage

Postal code numbers of the neighborhood of Wijk 39 Binckhorst

Neighborhood Wijk 39 Binckhorst has a total of 1 unique postcode numbers. Below is an overview of all postcode numbers of Wijk 39 Binckhorst. Click on the relevant zip code number to view more zip code and address information.


Wijk 39 Binckhorst on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Wijk 39 Binckhorst

Latitude and longitude of Wijk 39 Binckhorst
Latitude (N): 52.06857029
Longitude (E): 4.34051684

Homes for sale in neighborhood Wijk 39 Binckhorst

Newest houses for sale in Wijk 39 Binckhorst.

Zodiakplein 122
2516 CH Den Haag
€ 289.000 k.k.
Saturnusstraat 18 2006
2516 AH Den Haag
€ 445.000 v.o.n.
Saturnusstraat 18 2203
2516 AH Den Haag
€ 475.000 v.o.n.
Saturnusstraat 18 2201
2516 AH Den Haag
€ 600.000 v.o.n.
Saturnusstraat 18 2008
2516 AH Den Haag
€ 585.000 v.o.n.

Homes for rent in neighborhood Wijk 39 Binckhorst

Newest houses for rent in Wijk 39 Binckhorst.

Maanplein 138 D
2516 CK Den Haag
€ 1.284 per maand (exclusief servicekosten à € 188,0 /mnd)
Maanplein 147 T
2516 CK Den Haag
€ 1.113 per maand (exclusief servicekosten à € 189,0 /mnd)
Maanplein 92
2516 CK Den Haag
€ 1.298 per maand (exclusief servicekosten à € 206,0 /mnd)
Junostraat 231
2516 BR Den Haag
€ 3.475 per maand (geen servicekosten)
Zodiakplein 70
2516 CD Den Haag
€ 2.250 per maand (exclusief servicekosten à € 90,0 /mnd)


To which municipality does the neighborhood Wijk 39 Binckhorst belong?

The neighborhood Wijk 39 Binckhorst belongs to municipality 's-Gravenhage.

To which province does the neighborhood Wijk 39 Binckhorst belong?

The province Wijk 39 Binckhorst belongs to province Zuid-Holland.