flag municipality Schiermonnikoog emblem municipality Schiermonnikoog


Municipality of Schiermonnikoog is a municipality in the province of Friesland.

Information municipality Schiermonnikoog

Overview municipality Schiermonnikoog
Number of places 1
Municipality Schiermonnikoog
Province Friesland

Postal code numbers of the municipality of Schiermonnikoog

The Municipality of Schiermonnikoog has a total of 1 unique postcode numbers. Below is an overview of all postcode numbers in the municipality of Schiermonnikoog. Click on the relevant zip code number to view more zip code and address information.


Neighborhoods of the municipality of Schiermonnikoog

The municipality of Schiermonnikoog is subdivided into 1 different neighborhoods.

Municipality Schiermonnikoog on the map

Geographic (GPS) information province Schiermonnikoog

Latitude and longitude of the province of Schiermonnikoog
Latitude (N): 53.4744383
Longitude (E): 6.22231667

Places in the municipality Schiermonnikoog

The municipality of Schiermonnikoog has a total 1 places.

The largest places in municipality Schiermonnikoog

Homes for sale in the municipality of Schiermonnikoog

Newest houses for sale in the municipality Schiermonnikoog.

Reeweg 13
9166 PW Schiermonnikoog
Langestreek 14
9166 LB Schiermonnikoog
Badweg 41
9166 NE Schiermonnikoog
Langestreek om de Noord 19
9166 NX Schiermonnikoog
€ 450.000 k.k.
Langestreek om de Noord 19
9166 NX Schiermonnikoog
€ 469.000 k.k.


How many places does the municipality Schiermonnikoog of province Friesland have?

The municipality Schiermonnikoog of province Friesland has 1 places.