Neighborhood Kern Koewacht in municipality Terneuzen
General information Kern Koewacht
Postal code numbers of the neighborhood of Kern Koewacht
Neighborhood Kern Koewacht has a total of 1 unique postcode numbers. Below is an overview of all postcode numbers of Kern Koewacht. Click on the relevant zip code number to view more zip code and address information.
4576Streets in neighborhood Kern Koewacht
Overview of the streets in the neighborhoods Kern Koewacht. Click on the relevant street to view more zip code and address information.
Schoolstraat Wouterij Berlaersstraat Nieuwstraat Schuttershofweg Burg. Diericklaan Kerkplein Jhr. Mr. De Casembrootstraat Kerklaan Vlasstraat Roterijstraat Bolraapstraat Repelstraat Lijnzaadstraat Eikenlaan Korte Akkers Lange Akkers Zandpad Nieuwe Karnemelkstraat Zandstraat Kruispad Oude Karnemelkstraat Grensstraat Het Zand Binnenpad Klapstraat Molenweg Zwingelstraat Lemenstraat Johan Bastingstraat Henry Dunantstraat Beukenlaan Eikenhof Emmabaan Tragel Emmahof VuursteenKern Koewacht on the map
Geographic (GPS) information Kern Koewacht
Latitude and longitude of Kern Koewacht
Latitude (N): | 51.2297593 |
Longitude (E): | 3.96275841 |
Homes for sale in neighborhood Kern Koewacht
Newest houses for sale in Kern Koewacht.
Homes for rent in neighborhood Kern Koewacht
Newest houses for rent in Kern Koewacht.
To which municipality does the neighborhood Kern Koewacht belong?
The neighborhood Kern Koewacht belongs to municipality Terneuzen.
To which province does the neighborhood Kern Koewacht belong?
The province Kern Koewacht belongs to province Zeeland.