Neighborhood Blitterswijck in municipality Venray

General information Blitterswijck

Overview Blitterswijck
Municipality Venray
Province Limburg
City Blitterswijck

Postal code numbers of the neighborhood of Blitterswijck

Neighborhood Blitterswijck has a total of 1 unique postcode numbers. Below is an overview of all postcode numbers of Blitterswijck. Click on the relevant zip code number to view more zip code and address information.


Blitterswijck on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Blitterswijck

Latitude and longitude of Blitterswijck
Latitude (N): 51.52677088
Longitude (E): 6.11398038

Homes for sale in neighborhood Blitterswijck

Newest houses for sale in Blitterswijck.

Op de Smelen 1
5863 BN Blitterswijck
Bouwkavel Veerweg 5
5863 AR Blitterswijck
Van Hamelbergweg 6
5863 BL Blitterswijck
€ 449.000 k.k.
Oude Heerweg 21
5863 AC Blitterswijck
€ 480.000 k.k.
5863 AB Blitterswijck

Homes for rent in neighborhood Blitterswijck

Newest houses for rent in Blitterswijck.

Oude Heerweg 7
5863 AC Blitterswijck
€ 1.150 per maand (geen servicekosten)
Veerweg 3
5863 AR Blitterswijck
€ 1.190 per maand (geen servicekosten)


To which municipality does the neighborhood Blitterswijck belong?

The neighborhood Blitterswijck belongs to municipality Venray.

To which province does the neighborhood Blitterswijck belong?

The province Blitterswijck belongs to province Limburg.