Neighborhood Merselo in municipality Venray

General information Merselo

Overview Merselo
Municipality Venray
Province Limburg
City Merselo

Postal code numbers of the neighborhood of Merselo

Neighborhood Merselo has a total of 1 unique postcode numbers. Below is an overview of all postcode numbers of Merselo. Click on the relevant zip code number to view more zip code and address information.


Merselo on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Merselo

Latitude and longitude of Merselo
Latitude (N): 51.53160925
Longitude (E): 5.92118054

Homes for sale in neighborhood Merselo

Newest houses for sale in Merselo.

Hansenberg 6
5815 EJ Merselo
Haag 46
5815 CB Merselo
Grootdorp 50
5815 AG Merselo
Prijs op aanvraag
Pastoor de Botstraat 15
5815 AM Merselo
€ 335.000 k.k.
Veldstraat 34
5815 CX Merselo
€ 998.000 k.k.


To which municipality does the neighborhood Merselo belong?

The neighborhood Merselo belongs to municipality Venray.

To which province does the neighborhood Merselo belong?

The province Merselo belongs to province Limburg.