Neighborhood Merselo in municipality Venray
General information Merselo
Postal code numbers of the neighborhood of Merselo
Neighborhood Merselo has a total of 1 unique postcode numbers. Below is an overview of all postcode numbers of Merselo. Click on the relevant zip code number to view more zip code and address information.
5815Streets in neighborhood Merselo
Overview of the streets in the neighborhoods Merselo. Click on the relevant street to view more zip code and address information.
Grootdorp Dorperveld Coppelenberg Wethouder Pubbenstraat Pastoor Vercoulenstraat Pastoor de Botstraat Merseloseweg Vloetweg Kranendries Mulders Franshof Weverslo Haag Ossendijk Schaapskuil Opdekamp Daland Testrik Kleindorp De Boterpot Beekweg Rozendaal Endepoel Beek Pas Handrik Veldstraat Deskesven Op de Ries De Hees De Steeg Den Tiel Bekerveld Loonsedijk Hansenberg BakelsedijkMerselo on the map
Geographic (GPS) information Merselo
Latitude and longitude of Merselo
Latitude (N): | 51.53160925 |
Longitude (E): | 5.92118054 |
To which municipality does the neighborhood Merselo belong?
The neighborhood Merselo belongs to municipality Venray.
To which province does the neighborhood Merselo belong?
The province Merselo belongs to province Limburg.