
Hobrede is a city within the municipality of Edam-Volendam in the Dutch province of Noord-Holland. View below an overview of all zipcodes, streets, districts and neighborhoods of Hobrede.

General information Hobrede

Overview Hobrede
Municipality Edam-Volendam
Province Noord-Holland

Postal code numbers of Hobrede

Hobrede has a total of 1 unique postcode numbers. Below is an overview of all postcode numbers of Hobrede. Click on the relevant zip code number to view more zip code and address information.


Neighborhoods of Hobrede

Hobrede is subdivided into 1 different neighborhoods.

Wijk 09 Hobrede

Hobrede on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Hobrede

Latitude and longitude of Hobrede
Latitude (N): 52.5454055
Longitude (E): 4.98551555

Homes for sale in Hobrede

Newest houses for sale in Hobrede.

Hobrede 39-A
1477 EK Hobrede
Hobrede 45
1477 EK Hobrede
€ 425.000 k.k.
Oud-Raeffeldamweg 3
1477 EG Hobrede
€ 550.000 k.k.
Hobrede 24
1477 EJ Hobrede
€ 550.000 k.k.
Hobrede 24
1477 EJ Hobrede
€ 565.000 k.k.

Homes for rent in Hobrede

Newest houses for rent in Hobrede.

Hobrede 3
1477 EH Hobrede
€ 1.500 per maand (geen servicekosten)
Hobrede 58 ged.
1477 EK Hobrede
€ 1.200 per maand (exclusief servicekosten à € 250,00 /mnd)
Hobrede 3
1477 EH Hobrede
€ 1.400 per maand (geen servicekosten)


In which municipality is Hobrede located?

Hobrede is located in the municipality of Edam-Volendam within the province of Noord-Holland.

How many zipcodes does the place Hobrede have?

Hobrede has 1 unique zipcodes.

How many streets does the place Hobrede have?

Hobrede has 2 streets.