
Limmen is a city within the municipality of Castricum in the Dutch province of Noord-Holland. View below an overview of all zipcodes, streets, districts and neighborhoods of Limmen.

General information Limmen

Overview Limmen
Municipality Castricum
Province Noord-Holland

Postal code numbers of Limmen

Limmen has a total of 1 unique postcode numbers. Below is an overview of all postcode numbers of Limmen. Click on the relevant zip code number to view more zip code and address information.


Neighborhoods of Limmen

Limmen is subdivided into 1 different neighborhoods.

Wijk 07 Limmen

Limmen on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Limmen

Latitude and longitude of Limmen
Latitude (N): 52.56559426
Longitude (E): 4.69764982

Homes for sale in Limmen

Newest houses for sale in Limmen.

Hogeweg 60
1906 CE Limmen
Rijksweg 120-A
1906 BK Limmen
Het Palet 12
1906 CJ Limmen
Kamvaren 3
1906 HH Limmen
Dusseldorperweg 163
1906 AJ Limmen

Homes for rent in Limmen

Newest houses for rent in Limmen.

Visweg 14-A
1906 CR Limmen
€ 3.250 per maand (geen servicekosten)
Binnenhof 18
1906 HM Limmen
€ 1.195 per maand (servicekosten onbekend)
Breetjes 14
1906 EX Limmen
€ 1.750 per maand (inclusief servicekosten à € 15,0 /mnd)
Rijksweg 31 B
1906 BC Limmen
€ 2.300 per maand (geen servicekosten)
Visweg 37
1906 CP Limmen
€ 1.750 per maand (geen servicekosten)


In which municipality is Limmen located?

Limmen is located in the municipality of Castricum within the province of Noord-Holland.

How many zipcodes does the place Limmen have?

Limmen has 1 unique zipcodes.

How many streets does the place Limmen have?

Limmen has 122 streets.