Street Viaductweg 's-Gravenhage

The Viaductweg is a street in the place 's-Gravenhage and is located in the municipality 's-Gravenhage, in the province Zuid-Holland. The Viaductweg from 's-Gravenhage has 85 properties and has 3 different zip codes. View below an overview of all information of the street Viaductweg.

General information about Viaductweg from 's-Gravenhage

Overview street Viaductweg
City 's-Gravenhage
Municipality 's-Gravenhage
Province Zuid-Holland
Number of properties 85
Number of zipcodes 3

Zip code on the street Viaductweg

The street Viaductweg has a total of 1 unique postcode numbers. Below is an overview of all postcode numbers of Viaductweg. Click on the relevant zip code number to view more zip code and address information.


Buildings on the street Viaductweg

Overview of buildings on the street Viaductweg. Click on the relevant building to view more information about the property.

2525KK Viaductweg 1
2525KK Viaductweg 3
2525KK Viaductweg 9
2525KK Viaductweg 11
2525KK Viaductweg 13
2525KK Viaductweg 15
2525KK Viaductweg 19
2525KK Viaductweg 21
2525KK Viaductweg 23
2525KK Viaductweg 25
2525KK Viaductweg 27
2525KK Viaductweg 29
2525KK Viaductweg 31
2525KK Viaductweg 33
2525KK Viaductweg 35
2525KK Viaductweg 37
2525KK Viaductweg 59
2525KK Viaductweg 61
2525KK Viaductweg 17
2525KK Viaductweg 5
2525KK Viaductweg 7
2525KK Viaductweg 15 a
2525KL Viaductweg 2
2525KL Viaductweg 8
2525KL Viaductweg 10
2525KL Viaductweg 12
2525KL Viaductweg 30
2525KL Viaductweg 32
2525KL Viaductweg 34
2525KL Viaductweg 36
2525KL Viaductweg 38
2525KL Viaductweg 40
2525KL Viaductweg 42
2525KL Viaductweg 44
2525KL Viaductweg 46
2525KL Viaductweg 48
2525KL Viaductweg 50
2525KL Viaductweg 52
2525KL Viaductweg 54
2525KL Viaductweg 56
2525KL Viaductweg 58
2525KL Viaductweg 60
2525KL Viaductweg 64
2525KL Viaductweg 66
2525KL Viaductweg 90
2525KL Viaductweg 92
2525KL Viaductweg 92 t
2525KL Viaductweg 68
2525LP Viaductweg 150
2525LP Viaductweg 152
2525LP Viaductweg 154
2525LP Viaductweg 156
2525LP Viaductweg 158
2525LP Viaductweg 162
2525LP Viaductweg 164
2525LP Viaductweg 166
2525LP Viaductweg 168
2525LP Viaductweg 170
2525LP Viaductweg 172
2525LP Viaductweg 174
2525LP Viaductweg 176
2525LP Viaductweg 200
2525LP Viaductweg 202
2525LP Viaductweg 204
2525LP Viaductweg 206
2525LP Viaductweg 208
2525LP Viaductweg 210
2525LP Viaductweg 212
2525LP Viaductweg 214
2525LP Viaductweg 216
2525LP Viaductweg 218
2525LP Viaductweg 220
2525LP Viaductweg 222
2525LP Viaductweg 224
2525LP Viaductweg 226
2525LP Viaductweg 228
2525LP Viaductweg 230
2525LP Viaductweg 232
2525LP Viaductweg 234
2525LP Viaductweg 236
2525LP Viaductweg 238
2525LP Viaductweg 240
2525LP Viaductweg 242
2525LP Viaductweg 244
2525LP Viaductweg 246

Location of the street Viaductweg on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Viaductweg

Latitude and longitude of Viaductweg
Latitude (N): 52.05940082
Longitude (E): 4.30885052

Homes for sale in Viaductweg

Newest houses for sale in Viaductweg.

Viaductweg 59
2525 KK Den Haag
€ 400.000 v.o.n.


To which place does the street Viaductweg belong?

The street Viaductweg is located in 's-Gravenhage.

To which province does the street Viaductweg belong?

The street Viaductweg is located in province Zuid-Holland.

To which municipality does the street Viaductweg belong?

The street Viaductweg is located in municipality 's-Gravenhage.

What is the zipcode of the street Viaductweg?

The zipcode of the street Viaductweg is 2525 .

How many properties does the street Viaductweg have?

The street Viaductweg has 85 properties.