General information Sint-Maartensdijk
Postal code numbers of Sint-Maartensdijk
Sint-Maartensdijk has a total of 1 unique postcode numbers. Below is an overview of all postcode numbers of Sint-Maartensdijk. Click on the relevant zip code number to view more zip code and address information.
4695Neighborhoods of Sint-Maartensdijk
Sint-Maartensdijk is subdivided into 1 different neighborhoods.
Sint-MaartensdijkSint-Maartensdijk on the map
Geographic (GPS) information Sint-Maartensdijk
Latitude and longitude of Sint-Maartensdijk
Latitude (N): | 51.55949519 |
Longitude (E): | 4.05582027 |
Homes for sale in Sint-Maartensdijk
Newest houses for sale in Sint-Maartensdijk.
Homes for rent in Sint-Maartensdijk
Newest houses for rent in Sint-Maartensdijk.
In which municipality is Sint-Maartensdijk located?
Sint-Maartensdijk is located in the municipality of Tholen within the province of Zeeland.
How many zipcodes does the place Sint-Maartensdijk have?
Sint-Maartensdijk has 1 unique zipcodes.
How many streets does the place Sint-Maartensdijk have?
Sint-Maartensdijk has 105 streets.