Zipcode 1070 in Amsterdam
The zipcode number 1070 in Amsterdam belongs to PO boxes.
The postcode 1070 is located in the place Amsterdam. This zip code has 191 complete zip codes. Amsterdam is located in the municipality of Amsterdam and the province is Noord-Holland. View below all information, street names and zip codes of zip code 1070 from Amsterdam.
General information of zipcode 1070 in Amsterdam
Overview zipcode Amsterdam
Number of zipcodes | 112 |
Zipcode number | 1070 |
Municipality | Amsterdam |
Province | Noord-Holland |
What is a PO Box?
A PO box is a facility in many countries to store postal items, which is rented by the addressee. The associated postal service provides the user with a lockable cabinet or storage of larger quantities in the adjacent central space. The separately stored items can be collected during office hours at a special desk.
All streets and zipcodes of zipcode 1070 in Amsterdam
1070 BA | Postbus | 74000 - 74048 |
1070 BB | Postbus | 74050 - 74098 |
1070 BC | Postbus | 74100 - 74148 |
1070 BD | Postbus | 74150 - 74198 |
1070 BJ | Postbus | 74350 - 74398 |
1070 DB | Postbus | 74500 - 74548 |
1070 DE | Postbus | 74600 - 74648 |
1070 BR | Postbus | 74650 - 74698 |
1070 DJ | Postbus | 74700 - 74700 |
1070 BS | Postbus | 74702 - 74748 |
1070 BT | Postbus | 74750 - 74798 |
1070 DM | Postbus | 74800 - 74848 |
1070 DN | Postbus | 74850 - 74898 |
1070 AA | Postbus | 75000 - 75048 |
1070 AB | Postbus | 75050 - 75098 |
1070 AC | Postbus | 75100 - 75148 |
1070 AD | Postbus | 75150 - 75198 |
1070 AE | Postbus | 75200 - 75248 |
1070 AG | Postbus | 75250 - 75298 |
1070 AH | Postbus | 75300 - 75348 |
1070 AJ | Postbus | 75350 - 75398 |
1070 AK | Postbus | 75400 - 75448 |
1070 AL | Postbus | 75450 - 75498 |
1070 AM | Postbus | 75500 - 75548 |
1070 AN | Postbus | 75550 - 75598 |
1070 AP | Postbus | 75600 - 75648 |
1070 AR | Postbus | 75650 - 75698 |
1070 AS | Postbus | 75700 - 75748 |
1070 AT | Postbus | 75750 - 75798 |
1070 AV | Postbus | 75800 - 75848 |
1070 AW | Postbus | 75850 - 75898 |
1070 AX | Postbus | 75900 - 75948 |
1070 AZ | Postbus | 75950 - 75998 |
1070 EA | Postbus | 76000 - 76048 |
1070 EB | Postbus | 76050 - 76098 |
1070 ED | Postbus | 76150 - 76198 |
1070 EE | Postbus | 76200 - 76248 |
1070 HG | Postbus | 76650 - 76698 |
1070 KA | Postbus | 76700 - 76748 |
1070 KB | Postbus | 76750 - 76798 |
1070 KC | Postbus | 76800 - 76848 |
1070 KD | Postbus | 76850 - 76898 |
1070 LH | Postbus | 77700 - 77748 |
1070 LJ | Postbus | 77750 - 77798 |
1070 LK | Postbus | 77800 - 77848 |
1070 MX | Postbus | 77900 - 77900 |
1070 LP | Postbus | 78000 - 78098 |
1070 NB | Postbus | 79000 - 79048 |
1070 NC | Postbus | 79050 - 79098 |
1070 ND | Postbus | 79100 - 79148 |
1070 BB | Postbus | 74051 - 74099 |
1070 BC | Postbus | 74101 - 74149 |
1070 BD | Postbus | 74151 - 74199 |
1070 BE | Postbus | 74201 - 74249 |
1070 DC | Postbus | 74551 - 74599 |
1070 BR | Postbus | 74651 - 74699 |
1070 BS | Postbus | 74701 - 74749 |
1070 BT | Postbus | 74751 - 74799 |
1070 AA | Postbus | 75001 - 75049 |
1070 AB | Postbus | 75051 - 75099 |
1070 AC | Postbus | 75101 - 75149 |
1070 AD | Postbus | 75151 - 75199 |
1070 AE | Postbus | 75201 - 75249 |
1070 AG | Postbus | 75251 - 75299 |
1070 AH | Postbus | 75301 - 75349 |
1070 AJ | Postbus | 75351 - 75399 |
1070 AK | Postbus | 75401 - 75449 |
1070 AL | Postbus | 75451 - 75499 |
1070 AM | Postbus | 75501 - 75549 |
1070 AN | Postbus | 75551 - 75599 |
1070 AP | Postbus | 75601 - 75649 |
1070 AR | Postbus | 75651 - 75699 |
1070 AS | Postbus | 75701 - 75749 |
1070 AT | Postbus | 75751 - 75799 |
1070 AV | Postbus | 75801 - 75849 |
1070 AW | Postbus | 75851 - 75899 |
1070 AX | Postbus | 75901 - 75949 |
1070 AZ | Postbus | 75951 - 75999 |
1070 EA | Postbus | 76001 - 76049 |
1070 EB | Postbus | 76051 - 76099 |
1070 ED | Postbus | 76151 - 76199 |
1070 EE | Postbus | 76201 - 76249 |
1070 EH | Postbus | 76301 - 76349 |
1070 HC | Postbus | 76501 - 76549 |
1070 HD | Postbus | 76551 - 76599 |
1070 HE | Postbus | 76601 - 76649 |
1070 KA | Postbus | 76701 - 76749 |
1070 KB | Postbus | 76751 - 76799 |
1070 KC | Postbus | 76801 - 76849 |
1070 KD | Postbus | 76851 - 76899 |
1070 KE | Postbus | 76901 - 76949 |
1070 LG | Postbus | 77651 - 77699 |
1070 LH | Postbus | 77701 - 77749 |
1070 LJ | Postbus | 77769 - 77773 |
1070 MS | Postbus | 77777 - 77777 |
1070 LJ | Postbus | 77779 - 77779 |
1070 LK | Postbus | 77801 - 77849 |
1070 LL | Postbus | 77851 - 77899 |
1070 LP | Postbus | 78001 - 78099 |
1070 NB | Postbus | 79001 - 79049 |
1070 NC | Postbus | 79051 - 79099 |
1070 ND | Postbus | 79101 - 79149 |
1070 BA | Postbus | 74001 - 74049 |
1070 EG | Postbus | 76251 - 76299 |
1070 EC | Postbus | 76100 - 76148 |
1070 EG | Postbus | 76250 - 76298 |
1070 EH | Postbus | 76300 - 76348 |
1070 LG | Postbus | 77650 - 77698 |
1070 NE | Postbus | 79150 - 79198 |
1070 HD | Postbus | 76550 - 76598 |
1070 LL | Postbus | 77850 - 77898 |
1070 LM | Postbus | 77902 - 77948 |
Amsterdam on the map
Geographic (GPS) information Amsterdam
Latitude and longitude of Amsterdam
Latitude (N): | 52.37344272 |
Longitude (E): | 4.90454379 |