Zipcode 1473PB belongs to post boxes in Warder

The zipcode 1473PB in Warder has the number range 20 to 38.

General information of zipcode 1473PB in Warder

Overview zipcode Warder
Zipcode 1473PB
Zipcode number 1473
Municipality Edam-Volendam
Province Noord-Holland

What is a PO Box?

A PO box is a facility in many countries to store postal items, which is rented by the addressee. The associated postal service provides the user with a lockable cabinet or storage of larger quantities in the adjacent central space. The separately stored items can be collected during office hours at a special desk.

All streets and zipcodes of zipcode 1473PB in Warder

1473 BD Zesstedenweg 1 - 3
1473 BD Zesstedenweg 2 - 2
1473 BE Klemweg 1 - 1
1473 BG Molenweg 1 - 3
1473 PA Warder 1 - 19
1473 PA Warder 2 - 18
1473 PB Warder 20 - 38
1473 PB Warder 21 - 37
1473 PC Warder 39 - 59
1473 PC Warder 40 - 58
1473 PD Warder 60 - 78
1473 PD Warder 61 - 79
1473 PE Warder 80 - 98
1473 PE Warder 81 - 99
1473 PG Warder 100 - 114
1473 PG Warder 101 - 115
1473 PH Warder 116 - 132
1473 PH Warder 117 - 133
1473 PJ Warder 134 - 148
1473 PJ Warder 135 - 149
1473 PK Warder 150 - 168
1473 PK Warder 151 - 169
1473 PL Warder 170 - 190
1473 PL Warder 171 - 189
1473 PM Westerweg 1 - 11
1473 PM Westerweg 2 - 12
1473 PN Badhuisweg 1 - 15
1473 PN Badhuisweg 2 - 16
1473 PP IJsselmeerdijk 6 - 32
1473 PP IJsselmeerdijk 5 - 31
1473 PS Zuivelhof 1 - 15
1473 PS Zuivelhof 2 - 14
1473 RA Kooiweg 1 - 3
1473 RA Kooiweg 2 - 2
1473 PR Jacob Hop Erf 1 - 11
1473 BG Molenweg 2 - 2
1473 PR Jacob Hop Erf 2 - 10
1473 PT Dirk Haan Erf 1 - 13
1473 PT Dirk Haan Erf 2 - 14

Zipcode 1473PB in Warder on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Warder

Latitude and longitude of Warder
Latitude (N): 52.56931843
Longitude (E): 5.01337539

Homes for sale on zipcode 1473PB

Newest houses for sale on zipcode 1473PB.

Warder 22
1473 PB Warder
€ 600.000 k.k.
Warder 27
1473 PB Warder
€ 750.000 k.k.
Warder 21
1473 PB Warder
€ 825.000 k.k.