Zipcode 1732LN belongs to post boxes in Lutjewinkel

The zipcode 1732LN in Lutjewinkel has the number range 82 to 124.

General information of zipcode 1732LN in Lutjewinkel

Overview zipcode Lutjewinkel
Zipcode 1732LN
Zipcode number 1732
Municipality Hollands Kroon
Province Noord-Holland

What is a PO Box?

A PO box is a facility in many countries to store postal items, which is rented by the addressee. The associated postal service provides the user with a lockable cabinet or storage of larger quantities in the adjacent central space. The separately stored items can be collected during office hours at a special desk.

All streets and zipcodes of zipcode 1732LN in Lutjewinkel

1732 EL Moerbekerweg 2 - 16
1732 EL Moerbekerweg 5 - 5
1732 EN Moerbeek 11 - 35
1732 EP Moerbeek 32 - 60
1732 LB Wateringskant 1 - 3
1732 LB Wateringskant 2 - 16
1732 LC Mientweg 1 - 23
1732 LD Mientweg 25 - 31
1732 LE Mientweg 2 - 46
1732 LG Mientweg 48 - 86
1732 LH Lutjewinkelerweg 2 - 10
1732 LJ Weereweg 3 - 51
1732 LK Weereweg 59 - 79
1732 LL Weereweg 6 - 44
1732 LM Weereweg 46 - 80
1732 LN Weereweg 82 - 124
1732 LP Nobelstraat 7 - 35
1732 LR Nobelstraat 26 - 66
1732 LS Plantsoenstraat 1 - 11
1732 LS Plantsoenstraat 6 - 26
1732 LT Plantsoendwarsstraat 1 - 37
1732 LV Plantsoendwarsstraat 2 - 24
1732 LW Zoutkaag 1 - 5
1732 LW Zoutkaag 4 - 12
1732 LX Kooipad 1 - 1
1732 NN Groetpolderweg 1 - 19
1732 NP Boerensluisweg 1 - 7
1732 NR Zeesluisweg 1 - 5
1732 NR Zeesluisweg 2 - 2
1732 NW Westfriesedijk 1 - 7
1732 NW Westfriesedijk 18 - 28

Zipcode 1732LN in Lutjewinkel on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Lutjewinkel

Latitude and longitude of Lutjewinkel
Latitude (N): 52.77223939
Longitude (E): 4.87895109

Homes for sale on zipcode 1732LN

Newest houses for sale on zipcode 1732LN.

Weereweg 98
1732 LN Lutjewinkel
€ 150.000 k.k.