Zipcode 2491AR belongs to post boxes in 's-Gravenhage

The zipcode 2491AR in 's-Gravenhage has the number range 15 to 15.

General information of zipcode 2491AR in 's-Gravenhage

Overview zipcode 's-Gravenhage
Zipcode 2491AR
Zipcode number 2491
Municipality 's-Gravenhage
Province Zuid-Holland

What is a PO Box?

A PO box is a facility in many countries to store postal items, which is rented by the addressee. The associated postal service provides the user with a lockable cabinet or storage of larger quantities in the adjacent central space. The separately stored items can be collected during office hours at a special desk.

All streets and zipcodes of zipcode 2491AR in 's-Gravenhage

2491 AA Oude Middenweg 2 - 8
2491 AB Oude Middenweg 12 - 68
2491 AC Oude Middenweg 3 - 87
2491 AD Oude Middenweg 70 - 102
2491 AE Oude Middenweg 185 - 193
2491 AG Oude Middenweg 195 - 231
2491 AH Oude Middenweg 233 - 249
2491 AJ Loire 114 - 132
2491 AK Loire 134 - 154
2491 AL Loire 156 - 184
2491 AM Loire 186 - 206
2491 AN Loire 1 - 1
2491 AP Rhone 8 - 40
2491 AR Zoetermeerse Rijweg 15 - 15
2491 BA Donau 34 - 42
2491 BB Donau 119 - 119
2491 BC Donau 86 - 140
2491 BD Neckar 2 - 24
2491 BE Neckar 1 - 7
2491 BG Rijn 6 - 22
2491 BH Rijn 1 - 1
2491 BJ Wolga 2 - 16
2491 BK Wolga 1 - 11
2491 BL Schelde 1 - 1
2491 BM Haags Kwartier 15 - 121
2491 BP Theems 6 - 24
2491 BR Theems 5 - 45
2491 BS Elbe 2 - 32
2491 BW IJssel 1 - 39
2491 BX Linge 2 - 2
2491 BZ Linge 1 - 59
2491 CA Linge 63 - 75
2491 CB Vlist 2 - 14
2491 CC Vlist 11 - 45
2491 CG Dinkel 2 - 48
2491 CH Dinkel 52 - 94
2491 CJ Dinkel 120 - 148
2491 CK Dinkel 21 - 29
2491 CL Dinkel 49 - 79
2491 CP Regge 60 - 140
2491 CR Taag 1 - 41
2491 CS Taag 53 - 85
2491 CT Moezel 14 - 18
2491 CV Moezel 1 - 23
2491 CW Moldau 18 - 42
2491 CX Ruhr 1 - 11
2491 DA Tauber 52 - 110
2491 DB Tauber 3 - 39
2491 DC Oder 2 - 20
2491 DD Oder 1 - 17
2491 DE Weser 6 - 8
2491 DG Weser 5 - 5
2491 DH Tiber 2 - 34
2491 DJ Tiber 36 - 68
2491 DK Tiber 72 - 96
2491 DL Tiber 1 - 1
2491 EA Westvlietweg 7 - 7
2491 EA Westvlietweg 2 - 10
2491 EB Westvlietweg 11 - 29
2491 EB Westvlietweg 12 - 28
2491 EC Westvlietweg 30 - 42
2491 EC Westvlietweg 31 - 41
2491 ED Westvlietweg 55 - 61
2491 ED Westvlietweg 60 - 62
2491 EE Schrepelpad 2 - 6
2491 EG Park Nabij 1 - 7
2491 EG Park Nabij 2 - 8
2491 EH Groene Zoom 2 - 20
2491 EJ Groene Zoom 5 - 17
2491 EK Broekweg 125 - 125
2491 BT Elbe 1 - 37
2491 BL Schelde 8 - 8

Zipcode 2491AR in 's-Gravenhage on the map

Geographic (GPS) information 's-Gravenhage

Latitude and longitude of 's-Gravenhage
Latitude (N): 52.07111693
Longitude (E): 4.39832062