Zipcode 2975 in Ottoland

The zipcode number 2975 in Ottoland belongs to PO boxes.

The postcode 2975 is located in the place Ottoland. This zip code has 191 complete zip codes. Ottoland is located in the municipality of Molenlanden and the province is Zuid-Holland. View below all information, street names and zip codes of zip code 2975 from Ottoland.

General information of zipcode 2975 in Ottoland

Overview zipcode Ottoland
Number of zipcodes 50
Zipcode number 2975
Municipality Molenlanden
Province Zuid-Holland

What is a PO Box?

A PO box is a facility in many countries to store postal items, which is rented by the addressee. The associated postal service provides the user with a lockable cabinet or storage of larger quantities in the adjacent central space. The separately stored items can be collected during office hours at a special desk.

All streets and zipcodes of zipcode 2975 in Ottoland

2975 BA A 3 - 17
2975 BA A 10 - 24
2975 BB A 26 - 52
2975 BB A 37 - 39
2975 BC A 54 - 74
2975 BC A 59 - 61
2975 BD A 76 - 96
2975 BD A 77 - 93
2975 BE A 97 - 129
2975 BE A 100 - 164
2975 BG B 1 - 21
2975 BG B 2 - 24
2975 BH B 27 - 43
2975 BH B 28 - 44
2975 BJ B 46 - 62
2975 BJ B 49 - 63
2975 BK B 66 - 150
2975 BL Nassaustraat 1 - 9
2975 BL Nassaustraat 2 - 12
2975 BM Oranjestraat 9 - 13
2975 BM Oranjestraat 10 - 14
2975 BN van Liesveldstraat 4 - 8
2975 BN van Liesveldstraat 5 - 7
2975 BP Burgemeester Visserwerf 2 - 48
2975 BP Burgemeester Visserwerf 5 - 23
2975 BR Burgemeester van Steenbergenstraat 1 - 9
2975 BR Burgemeester van Steenbergenstraat 2 - 10
2975 BS Statenhofje 1 - 1
2975 BS Statenhofje 2 - 4
2975 BT De Baronie 1 - 13
2975 BV Stadhoudersplein 4 - 8
2975 BW Beelaerts van Bloklandweg 1 - 47
2975 BX Lubbertjesweg 1 - 1
2975 BX Lubbertjesweg 2 - 2
2975 BZ Ottolandse Kade 1 - 9
2975 CA Schepenerf 1 - 11
2975 CA Schepenerf 2 - 12
2975 LA Bloklandsekade 1 - 5
2975 LA Bloklandsekade 2 - 4
2975 LB Haringweg 1 - 3
2975 LB Haringweg 2 - 2
2975 LC Klokbekerweg 1 - 17
2975 LC Klokbekerweg 2 - 8
2975 LD Hoogtweg 2 - 10
2975 LE Polderweg 1 - 1
2975 LE Polderweg 2 - 2
2975 LG Damseweg 37 - 127
2975 BK B 65 - 133
2975 CZ Boezemkade 2 - 24
2975 AZ Notenerf 2 - 18

Ottoland on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Ottoland

Latitude and longitude of Ottoland
Latitude (N): 51.88757099
Longitude (E): 4.86627174

Homes for sale on zipcode 2975

Newest houses for sale on zipcode 2975.

B 86
2975 BK Ottoland
B 32
2975 BH Ottoland
A 117
2975 BE Ottoland
€ 895.000 k.k.
A 117
2975 BE Ottoland
€ 895.000 k.k.
B 86
2975 BK Ottoland
€ 1.450.000 k.k.

Homes for rent on zipcode 2975

Newest houses for rent on zipcode 2975.

B 130
2975 BK Ottoland
€ 1.700 per maand (geen servicekosten)