Zipcode 3001BD belongs to post boxes in Rotterdam

The zipcode 3001BD in Rotterdam has the number range 19150 to 19199.

General information of zipcode 3001BD in Rotterdam

Overview zipcode Rotterdam
Zipcode 3001BD
Zipcode number 3001
Municipality Rotterdam
Province Zuid-Holland

What is a PO Box?

A PO box is a facility in many countries to store postal items, which is rented by the addressee. The associated postal service provides the user with a lockable cabinet or storage of larger quantities in the adjacent central space. The separately stored items can be collected during office hours at a special desk.

All streets and zipcodes of zipcode 3001BD in Rotterdam

3001 BA Postbus 19000 - 19048
3001 BB Postbus 19050 - 19098
3001 BC Postbus 19100 - 19148
3001 BD Postbus 19150 - 19198
3001 BE Postbus 19200 - 19248
3001 BG Postbus 19250 - 19298
3001 AA Postbus 21000 - 21048
3001 AB Postbus 21050 - 21098
3001 AC Postbus 21100 - 21148
3001 AD Postbus 21150 - 21198
3001 AE Postbus 21200 - 21248
3001 AG Postbus 21250 - 21298
3001 AH Postbus 21300 - 21348
3001 AJ Postbus 21350 - 21398
3001 AK Postbus 21400 - 21448
3001 AL Postbus 21450 - 21498
3001 AM Postbus 21500 - 21548
3001 AN Postbus 21550 - 21598
3001 AR Postbus 21650 - 21698
3001 AS Postbus 21700 - 21748
3001 AT Postbus 21750 - 21798
3001 AV Postbus 21800 - 21848
3001 AW Postbus 21850 - 21898
3001 AX Postbus 21900 - 21948
3001 AZ Postbus 21950 - 21998
3001 KA Postbus 23000 - 23048
3001 KB Postbus 23050 - 23098
3001 KC Postbus 23100 - 23148
3001 KD Postbus 23150 - 23198
3001 KE Postbus 23200 - 23248
3001 KG Postbus 23250 - 23298
3001 KH Postbus 23300 - 23348
3001 KJ Postbus 23350 - 23398
3001 KK Postbus 23400 - 23448
3001 KL Postbus 23450 - 23498
3001 KM Postbus 23500 - 23548
3001 HA Postbus 25000 - 25048
3001 HB Postbus 25050 - 25098
3001 HC Postbus 25100 - 25148
3001 HD Postbus 25150 - 25198
3001 HE Postbus 25200 - 25248
3001 HG Postbus 25250 - 25298
3001 HH Postbus 25300 - 25348
3001 GA Postbus 29000 - 29048
3001 GB Postbus 29050 - 29098
3001 GC Postbus 29100 - 29148
3001 GD Postbus 29150 - 29198
3001 GE Postbus 29200 - 29248
3001 DA Postbus 30000 - 30048
3001 DB Postbus 30050 - 30098
3001 DC Postbus 30100 - 30148
3001 DD Postbus 30150 - 30198
3001 DE Postbus 30200 - 30248
3001 BA Postbus 19001 - 19049
3001 BB Postbus 19051 - 19099
3001 BC Postbus 19101 - 19149
3001 BD Postbus 19151 - 19199
3001 BE Postbus 19201 - 19249
3001 BG Postbus 19251 - 19299
3001 AA Postbus 21001 - 21049
3001 AB Postbus 21051 - 21099
3001 AC Postbus 21101 - 21149
3001 AD Postbus 21151 - 21199
3001 AE Postbus 21201 - 21249
3001 AG Postbus 21251 - 21299
3001 AH Postbus 21301 - 21349
3001 AJ Postbus 21351 - 21399
3001 AK Postbus 21401 - 21449
3001 AL Postbus 21451 - 21499
3001 AM Postbus 21501 - 21549
3001 AN Postbus 21551 - 21599
3001 AP Postbus 21601 - 21649
3001 AR Postbus 21651 - 21699
3001 AS Postbus 21701 - 21749
3001 AT Postbus 21751 - 21799
3001 AV Postbus 21801 - 21849
3001 AW Postbus 21851 - 21899
3001 AX Postbus 21901 - 21949
3001 AZ Postbus 21951 - 21999
3001 KA Postbus 23001 - 23049
3001 KB Postbus 23051 - 23099
3001 KC Postbus 23101 - 23149
3001 KD Postbus 23151 - 23199
3001 KE Postbus 23201 - 23249
3001 KG Postbus 23251 - 23299
3001 KH Postbus 23301 - 23349
3001 KJ Postbus 23351 - 23399
3001 KK Postbus 23401 - 23449
3001 KL Postbus 23451 - 23499
3001 KM Postbus 23501 - 23549
3001 HA Postbus 25001 - 25049
3001 HB Postbus 25051 - 25099
3001 HC Postbus 25101 - 25149
3001 HD Postbus 25151 - 25199
3001 HE Postbus 25201 - 25249
3001 HG Postbus 25251 - 25299
3001 HH Postbus 25301 - 25349
3001 GA Postbus 29001 - 29049
3001 GB Postbus 29051 - 29099
3001 GC Postbus 29101 - 29149
3001 GD Postbus 29151 - 29199
3001 GE Postbus 29201 - 29249
3001 DA Postbus 30001 - 30049
3001 DB Postbus 30051 - 30099
3001 DC Postbus 30101 - 30149
3001 DD Postbus 30151 - 30199
3001 DE Postbus 30201 - 30249

Zipcode 3001BD in Rotterdam on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Rotterdam

Latitude and longitude of Rotterdam
Latitude (N): 51.92248806
Longitude (E): 4.48653571