Zipcode 3897AL belongs to post boxes in Zeewolde

The zipcode 3897AL in Zeewolde has the number range 5 to 41.

General information of zipcode 3897AL in Zeewolde

Overview zipcode Zeewolde
Zipcode 3897AL
Zipcode number 3897
Municipality Zeewolde
Province Flevoland

What is a PO Box?

A PO box is a facility in many countries to store postal items, which is rented by the addressee. The associated postal service provides the user with a lockable cabinet or storage of larger quantities in the adjacent central space. The separately stored items can be collected during office hours at a special desk.

All streets and zipcodes of zipcode 3897AL in Zeewolde

3897 AB Landauer 2 - 56
3897 AB Landauer 5 - 59
3897 AD Wagonette 2 - 16
3897 AG Tweespan 2 - 14
3897 AJ Sulky 4 - 8
3897 AK Postkoets 1 - 25
3897 AL Eenspan 6 - 38
3897 AL Eenspan 5 - 41
3897 AM Jachtwagen 13 - 55
3897 LA Schollevaarweg 1 - 81
3897 LA Schollevaarweg 2 - 78
3897 LB Lepelaarweg 1 - 21
3897 LC Lepelaarweg 2 - 18
3897 LD Appelvinkweg 1 - 9
3897 LD Appelvinkweg 2 - 6
3897 LE Lepelaarpad 4 - 8
3897 LE Lepelaarpad 5 - 5
3897 LG Ooievaarsweg 3 - 33
3897 LG Ooievaarsweg 2 - 30
3897 LH Reigerweg 1 - 29
3897 LH Reigerweg 2 - 30
3897 LJ Roerdompweg 1 - 13
3897 LJ Roerdompweg 2 - 30
3897 LK Juttepeerlaan 1 - 1
3897 LL Sterappellaan 1 - 29
3897 LL Sterappellaan 2 - 28
3897 LM Duikerweg 2 - 50
3897 LM Duikerweg 5 - 45
3897 LN Bloesemlaan 1 - 39
3897 LN Bloesemlaan 2 - 34
3897 LP Dodaarsweg 1 - 53
3897 LP Dodaarsweg 2 - 54
3897 LR Tureluurweg 1 - 5
3897 LR Tureluurweg 4 - 4
3897 LS Gruttoweg 1 - 65
3897 LT Gruttoweg 2 - 62
3897 LV Bosruiterweg 2 - 36
3897 LV Bosruiterweg 25 - 33
3897 LW Wulpweg 1 - 33
3897 LW Wulpweg 2 - 42
3897 LX Adelaarsweg 1 - 7
3897 MA Ibisweg 2 - 22
3897 MC Kluutweg 10 - 10
3897 MC Kluutweg 11 - 15
3897 AA Cavalier 1 - 1
3897 AJ Sulky 3 - 23
3897 AH Sjees 1 - 5
3897 AC Tilbury 8 - 10
3897 AH Sjees 6 - 8
3897 AG Tweespan 17 - 41
3897 AD Wagonette 1 - 5
3897 AA Cavalier 6 - 34

Zipcode 3897AL in Zeewolde on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Zeewolde

Latitude and longitude of Zeewolde
Latitude (N): 52.35120648
Longitude (E): 5.49392621