Zipcode 4589RV belongs to post boxes in Ossenisse

The zipcode 4589RV in Ossenisse has the number range 2 to 2.

General information of zipcode 4589RV in Ossenisse

Overview zipcode Ossenisse
Zipcode 4589RV
Zipcode number 4589
Municipality Hulst
Province Zeeland

What is a PO Box?

A PO box is a facility in many countries to store postal items, which is rented by the addressee. The associated postal service provides the user with a lockable cabinet or storage of larger quantities in the adjacent central space. The separately stored items can be collected during office hours at a special desk.

All streets and zipcodes of zipcode 4589RV in Ossenisse

4589 KN Grindweg naar Hontenisse 1 - 3
4589 KN Grindweg naar Hontenisse 2 - 20
4589 KP Dorpsstraat 1 - 25
4589 KP Dorpsstraat 2 - 12
4589 KR Kipstraat 1 - 31
4589 KR Kipstraat 2 - 12
4589 KS Molenpad 1 - 9
4589 KT Lageweg 1 - 29
4589 KV Lageweg 31 - 47
4589 KW Lageweg 2 - 8
4589 KX Zeedorp 1 - 49
4589 KZ Zeedorp 4 - 14
4589 RK Oostdijk 1 - 3
4589 RK Oostdijk 2 - 10
4589 RL Knuitershoek 2 - 6
4589 RL Knuitershoek 1 - 3
4589 RM Weststraat 1 - 5
4589 RM Weststraat 2 - 16
4589 RN Weverstraat 1 - 17
4589 RP Kanaaldijk 3 - 3
4589 RR Westdijk 1 - 5
4589 RR Westdijk 2 - 2
4589 RS Zeestraat 1 - 1
4589 RT Langeweg 2 - 8
4589 RV Polderdijk 2 - 2
4589 RW Hooglandsedijk 1 - 11
4589 RW Hooglandsedijk 2 - 12
4589 RX Koningsdijk 19 - 19
4589 RP Kanaaldijk 64 - 162

Zipcode 4589RV in Ossenisse on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Ossenisse

Latitude and longitude of Ossenisse
Latitude (N): 51.36072685
Longitude (E): 3.98328912