Zipcode 4612PX belongs to post boxes in Bergen op Zoom

The zipcode 4612PX in Bergen op Zoom has the number range 1 to 2.

General information of zipcode 4612PX in Bergen op Zoom

Overview zipcode Bergen op Zoom
Zipcode 4612PX
Zipcode number 4612
Municipality Bergen op Zoom
Province Noord-Brabant

What is a PO Box?

A PO box is a facility in many countries to store postal items, which is rented by the addressee. The associated postal service provides the user with a lockable cabinet or storage of larger quantities in the adjacent central space. The separately stored items can be collected during office hours at a special desk.

All streets and zipcodes of zipcode 4612PX in Bergen op Zoom

4612 PB Wittoucksingel 35 - 103
4612 PC Zeelandhaven 6 - 36
4612 PC Zeelandhaven 7 - 21
4612 PD Randweg-West 1 - 1
4612 PD Conradweg 2 - 26
4612 PE Dr. Ir. Van Veenweg 1 - 35
4612 PE Dr. Ir. Van Veenweg 8 - 30
4612 PG Calandweg 2 - 40
4612 PG Calandweg 5 - 69
4612 PJ Havendijk 14 - 14
4612 PK Vermuidenweg 2 - 10
4612 PL Bongaertsweg 2 - 8
4612 PL Van Konijnenburgweg 40 - 86
4612 PL Van Konijnenburgweg 41 - 157
4612 PM Kade 2 - 10
4612 PN Vierlinghweg 1 - 39
4612 PN Vierlinghweg 26 - 40
4612 PR Ringersweg 9 - 15
4612 PS Lelyweg 4 - 50
4612 PS Lelyweg 15 - 31
4612 PS Calandweg 71 - 85
4612 PT Ringersweg 10 - 40
4612 PW Van Wamelweg 2 - 60
4612 PX Plasticslaan 1 - 1
4612 PX Plasticslaan 2 - 2
4612 RA Witteveenweg 1 - 21
4612 RA Witteveenweg 2 - 10
4612 RB Synthesebaan 1 - 1
4612 RB Synthesebaan 2 - 4
4612 RC Blankenweg 2 - 24
4612 RC Blankenweg 9 - 13
4612 RD Leeghwaterweg 2 - 10
4612 RZ Havenplein 1 - 1
4612 RX Hollandhaven 4 - 36
4612 PT Conradweg 3 - 7
4612 RX Hollandhaven 1 - 9
4612 PV Zuidersluispad 1 - 3
4612 RE Simon Stevinweg 1 - 3
4612 PZ Auvergnedijk 2 - 2
4612 PJ Havendijk 3 - 3
4612 RM Affuit 1 - 45
4612 RL Beckaff 1 - 7
4612 RL Beckaff 2 - 12
4612 RJ Colognekaai 2 - 72
4612 RK Melassekaai 3 - 51
4612 RM Affuit 2 - 28
4612 RN Spirituslaan 4 - 158
4612 PA Oude Vissershaven 4 - 24
4612 RN Spirituslaan 3 - 81
4612 PB Wittoucksingel 2 - 108
4612 RD Leeghwaterweg 1 - 1

Zipcode 4612PX in Bergen op Zoom on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Bergen op Zoom

Latitude and longitude of Bergen op Zoom
Latitude (N): 51.5082186
Longitude (E): 4.25817776