Zipcode 4836 in Breda

The zipcode number 4836 in Breda belongs to PO boxes.

The postcode 4836 is located in the place Breda. This zip code has 191 complete zip codes. Breda is located in the municipality of Breda and the province is Noord-Brabant. View below all information, street names and zip codes of zip code 4836 from Breda.

General information of zipcode 4836 in Breda

Overview zipcode Breda
Number of zipcodes 62
Zipcode number 4836
Municipality Breda
Province Noord-Brabant

What is a PO Box?

A PO box is a facility in many countries to store postal items, which is rented by the addressee. The associated postal service provides the user with a lockable cabinet or storage of larger quantities in the adjacent central space. The separately stored items can be collected during office hours at a special desk.

All streets and zipcodes of zipcode 4836 in Breda

4836 AA Bouvignelaan 1 - 35
4836 AB Galderseweg 7 - 7
4836 AC Galderseweg 15 - 65
4836 AG Galderseweg 6 - 90
4836 AK Stouwdreef 1 - 1
4836 AL Bouvignedreef 1 - 5
4836 AM Huisdreef 4 - 4
4836 AM Huisdreef 5 - 5
4836 AP Burgemeester de Manlaan 98 - 98
4836 AR Dr. Schaepmanlaan 1 - 53
4836 AT Reeptiend 5 - 901
4836 AV Reeptiend 46 - 50
4836 BA Overaseweg 1 - 57
4836 BB Overaseweg 6 - 78
4836 BC Overaseweg 82 - 166
4836 BE Heistraat 6 - 90
4836 BE Heistraat 9 - 41
4836 BG Heiakkerpad 8 - 20
4836 BG Heiakkerpad 15 - 15
4836 BH Marellenweg 4 - 20
4836 BJ Weerdstraat 30 - 36
4836 BJ Weerdstraat 31 - 43
4836 BK Tweegelandenbrugweg 27 - 37
4836 BK Tweegelandenbrugweg 28 - 30
4836 LA Hazeldonk 6001 - 6053
4836 LA Hazeldonk 6002 - 6010
4836 LB Hazeldonk 99 - 111
4836 LD Hazeldonk 6505 - 6521
4836 LD Hazeldonk 6520 - 6552
4836 LE Hazeldonk 6302 - 6360
4836 LE Hazeldonk 6301 - 6389
4836 LG Hazeldonk 6252 - 6288
4836 LG Hazeldonk 6253 - 6297
4836 LH Hazeldonk 6409 - 6489
4836 LH Hazeldonk 6408 - 6480
4836 LK Hazeldonk 6801 - 6809
4836 LK Hazeldonk 6802 - 6802
4836 LN Hazeldonk 6710 - 6740
4836 LZ Hazeldonk 5002 - 5006
4836 MA Diunt 1 - 13
4836 MA Diunt 2 - 4
4836 MC Rijsbergsebaan 1 - 17
4836 MD Hazeldonksestraat 21 - 21
4836 ME Moerstraat 2 - 6
4836 MG Zwaantjesweg 1 - 1
4836 MG Zwaantjesweg 2 - 2
4836 AD Galderseweg 69 - 97
4836 MC Rijsbergsebaan 22 - 22
4836 CA Blauwe Kamer Jagertje 1 - 3
4836 CA Blauwe Kamer Jagertje 2 - 2
4836 CB Blauwe Kamer Moerke 1 - 3
4836 CB Blauwe Kamer Moerke 2 - 2
4836 CC Blauwe Kamer Beemd 1 - 3
4836 CC Blauwe Kamer Beemd 2 - 2
4836 CD Blauwe Kamer Kreek 1 - 3
4836 CD Blauwe Kamer Kreek 2 - 2
4836 BL Verlengde Heistraat 6 - 10
4836 BD Overaseweg 168 - 902
4836 AZ Klokkenberg 3 - 135
4836 AZ Klokkenberg 2 - 134
4836 AJ Schoondonksedreef 27 - 69
4836 AJ Schoondonksedreef 4 - 24

Breda on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Breda

Latitude and longitude of Breda
Latitude (N): 51.5803579
Longitude (E): 4.75557262

Homes for sale on zipcode 4836

Newest houses for sale on zipcode 4836.

Klokkenberg 122
4836 AZ Breda
Klokkenberg 72
4836 AZ Breda
Klokkenberg 61
4836 AZ Breda
€ 825.000 k.k.
Weerdstraat 31-D
4836 BJ Breda
Klokkenberg 95
4836 AZ Breda
€ 1.540.000 k.k.

Homes for rent on zipcode 4836

Newest houses for rent on zipcode 4836.

Overaseweg 19
4836 BA Breda
€ 1.950 per maand (servicekosten onbekend)
Klokkenberg 47
4836 AZ Breda
€ 4.100 per maand (geen servicekosten)
Klokkenberg 47
4836 AZ Breda
€ 4.100 per maand (geen servicekosten)
Klokkenberg 126
4836 AZ Breda
€ 2.100 per maand (exclusief servicekosten à € 1,00 /mnd)
Klokkenberg 126
4836 AZ Breda
€ 2.150 per maand (exclusief servicekosten à € 1,00 /mnd)