Zipcode 5249PH belongs to post boxes in Rosmalen

The zipcode 5249PH in Rosmalen has the number range 6 to 12.

General information of zipcode 5249PH in Rosmalen

Overview zipcode Rosmalen
Zipcode 5249PH
Zipcode number 5249
Municipality 's-Hertogenbosch
Province Noord-Brabant

What is a PO Box?

A PO box is a facility in many countries to store postal items, which is rented by the addressee. The associated postal service provides the user with a lockable cabinet or storage of larger quantities in the adjacent central space. The separately stored items can be collected during office hours at a special desk.

All streets and zipcodes of zipcode 5249PH in Rosmalen

5249 JJ Kievitsven 18 - 52
5249 JK Kievitsven 54 - 108
5249 JM Kruisstraatse Akkers 26 - 32
5249 JN Vinkenveld 1 - 23
5249 JP Vinkenveld 2 - 24
5249 JR Huisbergenweg 1 - 11
5249 JR Huisbergenweg 2 - 10
5249 JS Friezenstraat 2 - 18
5249 JT Friezenstraat 1 - 9
5249 JV Biestkampweg 1 - 25
5249 JV Biestkampweg 2 - 10
5249 JW Hofkesweg 3 - 21
5249 JW Hofkesweg 2 - 12
5249 JX Heikampweg 1 - 11
5249 JX Heikampweg 2 - 6
5249 JZ Biestkampweg 27 - 39
5249 PA Kruisstraat 42 - 70
5249 PB Kruisstraat 33 - 53
5249 PG Vreeweg 10 - 10
5249 PH Kerkdijk 6 - 12
5249 PN Heeseindseweg 8 - 12
5249 PR Paddegraafweg 2 - 6
5249 PS Eerste Hoefsteeg 4 - 6
5249 PS Eerste Hoefsteeg 7 - 9
5249 PT Eerste Polderweg 2 - 4
5249 RD Kruisstraat 19 - 31
5249 RE Kruisstraat 40 - 40
5249 RH Vliertwijksestraat 2 - 18
5249 RJ Vliertwijksestraat 20 - 42
5249 RK Grintweg 3 - 25
5249 JM Kruisstraatse Akkers 21 - 31

Zipcode 5249PH in Rosmalen on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Rosmalen

Latitude and longitude of Rosmalen
Latitude (N): 51.74494477
Longitude (E): 5.42169927

Homes for rent on zipcode 5249PH

Newest houses for rent on zipcode 5249PH.

Kerkdijk 10
5249 PH Rosmalen
€ 1.450 per maand (exclusief servicekosten à € 1,00 /mnd)