Zipcode 5617 in Eindhoven

The zipcode number 5617 in Eindhoven belongs to PO boxes.

The postcode 5617 is located in the place Eindhoven. This zip code has 191 complete zip codes. Eindhoven is located in the municipality of Eindhoven and the province is Noord-Brabant. View below all information, street names and zip codes of zip code 5617 from Eindhoven.

General information of zipcode 5617 in Eindhoven

Overview zipcode Eindhoven
Number of zipcodes 34
Zipcode number 5617
Municipality Eindhoven
Province Noord-Brabant

What is a PO Box?

A PO box is a facility in many countries to store postal items, which is rented by the addressee. The associated postal service provides the user with a lockable cabinet or storage of larger quantities in the adjacent central space. The separately stored items can be collected during office hours at a special desk.

All streets and zipcodes of zipcode 5617 in Eindhoven

5617 AB Klokgebouw 111 - 197
5617 AB Klokgebouw 50 - 196
5617 AC Klokgebouw 210 - 290
5617 AC Klokgebouw 211 - 275
5617 AD Klokgebouw 300 - 300
5617 AE Ketelhuisplein 1 - 9
5617 BC Torenallee 18 - 20
5617 BD Torenallee 22 - 72
5617 BK Ir Kalffstraat 1 - 135
5617 BL Ir Kalffstraat 137 - 223
5617 BM Ir Kalffstraat 225 - 359
5617 BN Ir Van der Polstraat 2 - 36
5617 AE Ketelhuisplein 6 - 22
5617 AJ Leidingstraat 17 - 203
5617 BE Torenallee 80 - 110
5617 AJ Leidingstraat 2 - 66
5617 AA Klokgebouw 10 - 10
5617 BP Professor Carassohof 2 - 74
5617 BJ Laboratoriumstraat 2 - 104
5617 BP Professor Carassohof 1 - 3
5617 BS Torenallee 347 - 627
5617 BR Torenallee 101 - 345
5617 AL Philitelaan 61 - 63
5617 BA Torenallee 1 - 55
5617 BB Torenallee 57 - 75
5617 AK Philitelaan 57 - 59
5617 AR Walserijstraat 2 - 210
5617 AM Philitelaan 65 - 73
5617 AN Philitelaan 30 - 390
5617 BG Professor Horowitzstraat 200 - 200
5617 BH Ir Kalffstraat 2 - 296
5617 AG Veemstraat 5 - 403
5617 AS Stoomstraat 1 - 315
5617 AP Machinekamerplein 30 - 38

Eindhoven on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Eindhoven

Latitude and longitude of Eindhoven
Latitude (N): 51.45016172
Longitude (E): 5.45853544

Homes for sale on zipcode 5617

Newest houses for sale on zipcode 5617.

Philitelaan 57-110
5617 AK Eindhoven
Ir Kalffstraat 285
5617 BM Eindhoven
€ 465.000 k.k.
Stoomstraat 25
5617 AS Eindhoven
€ 499.000 v.o.n.
Stoomstraat 245
5617 AS Eindhoven
€ 650.000 k.k.
Ir Kalffstraat 283
5617 BM Eindhoven
€ 450.000 k.k.

Homes for rent on zipcode 5617

Newest houses for rent on zipcode 5617.

Philitelaan 57-106
5617 AK Eindhoven
€ 1.250 per maand (exclusief servicekosten à € 75,00 /mnd)
Stoomstraat 261
5617 AS Eindhoven
€ 1.270 per maand (exclusief servicekosten à € 60,00 /mnd)
Philitelaan 61-61
5617 AL Eindhoven
€ 1.119 per maand (exclusief servicekosten à € 48,00 /mnd)
Philitelaan 63-181
5617 AL Eindhoven
€ 1.060 per maand (geen servicekosten)
Stoomstraat 185
5617 AS Eindhoven
€ 2.585 per maand (inclusief servicekosten à € 10,00 /mnd)