Zipcode 5724PM belongs to post boxes in Ommel

The zipcode 5724PM in Ommel has the number range 2 to 74.

General information of zipcode 5724PM in Ommel

Overview zipcode Ommel
Zipcode 5724PM
Zipcode number 5724
Municipality Asten
Province Noord-Brabant

What is a PO Box?

A PO box is a facility in many countries to store postal items, which is rented by the addressee. The associated postal service provides the user with a lockable cabinet or storage of larger quantities in the adjacent central space. The separately stored items can be collected during office hours at a special desk.

All streets and zipcodes of zipcode 5724PM in Ommel

5724 AA Ommelsbroek 10 - 16
5724 AB Marialaan 3 - 39
5724 AB Marialaan 6 - 20
5724 AC Dionysiusstraat 1 - 7
5724 AC Dionysiusstraat 2 - 8
5724 AD Kluisstraat 1 - 45
5724 AE Kluisstraat 6 - 56
5724 AG Kloosterstraat 9 - 35
5724 AH Kloosterstraat 2 - 38
5724 AJ Hogeweg 1 - 11
5724 AJ Hogeweg 6 - 12
5724 AL Deurneseweg 24 - 30
5724 AM Busserdijk 5 - 9
5724 AM Busserdijk 10 - 10
5724 AN Berken 1 - 11
5724 AN Berken 2 - 2
5724 AP Kennisstraat 1 - 9
5724 AP Kennisstraat 4 - 10
5724 AR Pastoor Vogelsstraat 1 - 11
5724 AR Pastoor Vogelsstraat 2 - 38
5724 AS De Loo 1 - 45
5724 AS De Loo 2 - 16
5724 AT Jan van Havenstraat 1 - 37
5724 AV Jan van Havenstraat 6 - 50
5724 AW Pastoor van Ervenstraat 1 - 51
5724 AX Pastoor van Ervenstraat 2 - 52
5724 AZ Ommelse Bos 1 - 15
5724 AZ Ommelse Bos 2 - 10
5724 BA Onze Lieve Vrouweplein 1 - 7
5724 BB Kluizendries 1 - 9
5724 BB Kluizendries 2 - 8
5724 PE Diesdonkerweg 5 - 49
5724 PG Diesdonkerweg 4 - 46
5724 PJ Diesdonk 33 - 45
5724 PK Diesdonk 26 - 34
5724 PN Kranenvenweg 10 - 12
5724 PN Kranenvenweg 23 - 29
5724 PM Oostappensedijk 5 - 15
5724 PP Oostappensedijk 65 - 65
5724 AK Deurneseweg 39 - 39
5724 PL Beekstraat 29 - 31
5724 PM Oostappensedijk 2 - 74
5724 PL Beekstraat 30 - 30

Zipcode 5724PM in Ommel on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Ommel

Latitude and longitude of Ommel
Latitude (N): 51.43519977
Longitude (E): 5.7251614

Homes for sale on zipcode 5724PM

Newest houses for sale on zipcode 5724PM.

Oostappensedijk 46
5724 PM Ommel
€ 950.000 k.k.