Zipcode 6468 in Kerkrade

The zipcode number 6468 in Kerkrade belongs to PO boxes.

The postcode 6468 is located in the place Kerkrade. This zip code has 191 complete zip codes. Kerkrade is located in the municipality of Kerkrade and the province is Limburg. View below all information, street names and zip codes of zip code 6468 from Kerkrade.

General information of zipcode 6468 in Kerkrade

Overview zipcode Kerkrade
Number of zipcodes 36
Zipcode number 6468
Municipality Kerkrade
Province Limburg

What is a PO Box?

A PO box is a facility in many countries to store postal items, which is rented by the addressee. The associated postal service provides the user with a lockable cabinet or storage of larger quantities in the adjacent central space. The separately stored items can be collected during office hours at a special desk.

All streets and zipcodes of zipcode 6468 in Kerkrade

6468 AA Brugmolenweg 7 - 25
6468 AB Toupsbergstraat 73 - 109
6468 AC Toupsbergstraat 111 - 137
6468 AD Toupsbergstraat 98 - 138
6468 AG Kaffebergsweg 59 - 101
6468 AH Kaffebergsweg 2 - 48
6468 AE Kaffebergsweg 1 - 47
6468 AJ Kaffebergsweg 50 - 88
6468 AL Bosweidenweg 4 - 22
6468 EH Strijthagenweg 16 - 50
6468 EH Strijthagenweg 105 - 105
6468 EK Tunnelweg 48 - 118
6468 EL Langheckweg 2 - 50
6468 EL Langheckweg 3 - 25
6468 EP Klarenanstelerweg 2 - 14
6468 EP Klarenanstelerweg 5 - 25
6468 ER Mercuriusstraat 2 - 10
6468 ES Mercuriusstraat 1 - 9
6468 ET Minervastraat 1 - 1
6468 EV Jupiterstraat 2 - 2
6468 EW Junostraat 2 - 4
6468 EX Vestastraat 2 - 6
6468 EX Vestastraat 5 - 5
6468 PA Kerkradersteenweg 4 - 4
6468 PB Brughofweg 23 - 31
6468 PC Oud-Erensteinerweg 2 - 14
6468 PE Kloosteranstelerweg 6 - 6
6468 PG Dentgenbachweg 105 - 105
6468 XV Boerenanstelerweg 1 - 1
6468 XX Hopelerweg 250 - 250
6468 XZ Mensheggerweg 1 - 1
6468 EJ Tunnelweg 87 - 113
6468 PD Nieuw-Erensteinerweg 5 - 19
6468 PH Gaiaboulevard 1 - 1
6468 ET Minervastraat 14 - 24
6468 EV Jupiterstraat 17 - 23

Kerkrade on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Kerkrade

Latitude and longitude of Kerkrade
Latitude (N): 50.86778847
Longitude (E): 6.04890318

Homes for sale on zipcode 6468

Newest houses for sale on zipcode 6468.

6468 EV Kerkrade
Kaffebergsweg 95
6468 AG Kerkrade
€ 239.500 k.k.
6468 EV Kerkrade
Kaffebergsweg 30
6468 AH Kerkrade
€ 250.000 k.k.
Brugmolenweg 25
6468 AA Kerkrade
€ 495.000 k.k.

Homes for rent on zipcode 6468

Newest houses for rent on zipcode 6468.

6468 EV Kerkrade
6468 EV Kerkrade