Zipcode 6988AL belongs to post boxes in Lathum

The zipcode 6988AL in Lathum has the number range 48 to 56.

General information of zipcode 6988AL in Lathum

Overview zipcode Lathum
Zipcode 6988AL
Zipcode number 6988
Municipality Zevenaar
Province Gelderland

What is a PO Box?

A PO box is a facility in many countries to store postal items, which is rented by the addressee. The associated postal service provides the user with a lockable cabinet or storage of larger quantities in the adjacent central space. The separately stored items can be collected during office hours at a special desk.

All streets and zipcodes of zipcode 6988AL in Lathum

6988 AA Koestraat 1 - 43
6988 AB Koestraat 2 - 2
6988 AE Kerkstraat 1 - 31
6988 AG Kerkstraat 2 - 34
6988 AH Molenstraat 1 - 9
6988 AH Molenstraat 2 - 8
6988 AJ Ds J A Visserstraat 1 - 37
6988 AK Ds J A Visserstraat 2 - 38
6988 AL Ds J A Visserstraat 48 - 56
6988 AM 't Melkpad 2 - 32
6988 AN 't Melkpad 3 - 21
6988 AP De Brink 2 - 24
6988 AR De Horst 1 - 25
6988 AR De Horst 2 - 38
6988 BB Groenestraat 2 - 36
6988 BC Groenestraat 42 - 72
6988 BG Rivierweg 1 - 3
6988 BG Rivierweg 2 - 2
6988 BH Bandijk 1 - 7
6988 BJ Bandijk 9 - 31
6988 BK Bandijk 33 - 45
6988 BL Marsweg 1 - 3
6988 BM Marsweg 2 - 12
6988 BN Bandijk 47 - 59
6988 BP Bandijk 63 - 93
6988 BR Koppenwaard 1 - 7
6988 BR Koppenwaard 8 - 8
6988 BS Huis te Lathumweg 1 - 9
6988 BS Huis te Lathumweg 2 - 2
6988 BT Brinkenweg 2 - 4
6988 BV Weteringweg 2 - 4
6988 BX De Muggenwaard 7 - 7
6988 BX De Muggenwaard 14 - 16
6988 CA Watervogel 1 - 69
6988 CB Watervogel 12 - 84
6988 CC Wilde Zwaan 1 - 37
6988 CD Wilde Zwaan 2 - 26
6988 CE Blauwe Reiger 1 - 29
6988 CG Blauwe Reiger 2 - 54
6988 CH Zilvermeeuw 1 - 37
6988 CJ Zilvermeeuw 2 - 56
6988 CK Meerkoet 1 - 55
6988 CL Meerkoet 2 - 70
6988 CM IJsvogel 1 - 99
6988 CN IJsvogel 2 - 92
6988 BK Bandijk 2 - 2

Zipcode 6988AL in Lathum on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Lathum

Latitude and longitude of Lathum
Latitude (N): 51.98743145
Longitude (E): 6.01920718

Homes for sale on zipcode 6988AL

Newest houses for sale on zipcode 6988AL.

Ds J A Visserstraat 54
6988 AL Lathum
€ 239.500 k.k.
Ds J A Visserstraat 56
6988 AL Lathum
€ 339.000 k.k.