Zipcode 7332 in Apeldoorn

The zipcode number 7332 in Apeldoorn belongs to PO boxes.

The postcode 7332 is located in the place Apeldoorn. This zip code has 191 complete zip codes. Apeldoorn is located in the municipality of Apeldoorn and the province is Gelderland. View below all information, street names and zip codes of zip code 7332 from Apeldoorn.

General information of zipcode 7332 in Apeldoorn

Overview zipcode Apeldoorn
Number of zipcodes 49
Zipcode number 7332
Municipality Apeldoorn
Province Gelderland

What is a PO Box?

A PO box is a facility in many countries to store postal items, which is rented by the addressee. The associated postal service provides the user with a lockable cabinet or storage of larger quantities in the adjacent central space. The separately stored items can be collected during office hours at a special desk.

All streets and zipcodes of zipcode 7332 in Apeldoorn

7332 AB Laan van de Mensenrechten 590 - 612
7332 AC Condorweg 1 - 5
7332 AC Condorweg 8 - 54
7332 AD Mezenweg 1 - 19
7332 AE Lepelaarweg 1 - 25
7332 AE Lepelaarweg 28 - 30
7332 AG Aalscholverweg 2 - 22
7332 AG Aalscholverweg 7 - 7
7332 AH Kayersdijk 3 - 43
7332 AJ Kayersdijk 49 - 49
7332 AK Kayersdijk 55 - 63
7332 AL Kayersdijk 65 - 87
7332 AM Kayersdijk 89 - 95
7332 AN Kayersdijk 109 - 113
7332 AR Kayersdijk 151 - 155
7332 AS Kayersdijk 122 - 122
7332 AS Kayersdijk 165 - 171
7332 AT Kayersdijk 2 - 60
7332 AV Kayersdijk 88 - 110
7332 AW Kayersdijk 150 - 150
7332 AX Rijnstraat 62 - 68
7332 AZ Marchantstraat 55 - 55
7332 BA Loudonstraat 55 - 75
7332 BB Kanaal Zuid 2 - 42
7332 BC Kanaal Zuid 50 - 78
7332 BD Kanaal Zuid 80 - 138
7332 BE Zwaansprengweg 1 - 99
7332 BE Zwaansprengweg 4 - 20
7332 BG Sint-Maarten 1 - 3
7332 BG Sint-Maarten 2 - 2
7332 BH Saba 9 - 9
7332 BH Saba 4 - 12
7332 BJ Aruba 5 - 21
7332 BK Aruba 4 - 16
7332 BL Curaçao 15 - 47
7332 BM Curaçao 10 - 42
7332 BN Bonaire 4 - 6
7332 BP Lange Amerikaweg 55 - 93
7332 BR Lange Amerikaweg 66 - 102
7332 BS Loudonstraat 102 - 184
7332 AA Mantelmeeuw 5 - 51
7332 AA Mantelmeeuw 6 - 12
7332 CJ Broedplaats 3 - 57
7332 CK Broedplaats 4 - 58
7332 CG Kwinkslag 5 - 37
7332 CL Vogelvlucht 9 - 87
7332 CL Vogelvlucht 4 - 4
7332 AP Kayersdijk 131 - 149
7332 BN Bonaire 5 - 5

Apeldoorn on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Apeldoorn

Latitude and longitude of Apeldoorn
Latitude (N): 52.21083598
Longitude (E): 5.9737347

Homes for sale on zipcode 7332

Newest houses for sale on zipcode 7332.

Kayersdijk 122
7332 AS Apeldoorn
Broedplaats 52
7332 CK Apeldoorn
Vogelvlucht 29
7332 CL Apeldoorn
7332 AG Apeldoorn
7332 AG Apeldoorn

Homes for rent on zipcode 7332

Newest houses for rent on zipcode 7332.

Loudonstraat 142 Box 35
7332 BS Apeldoorn
€ 300 per maand (exclusief servicekosten à € 40,00 /mnd)
Broedplaats 27
7332 CJ Apeldoorn
€ 1.100 per maand (geen servicekosten)