Zipcode 8361 in IJsselham

The zipcode number 8361 in IJsselham belongs to PO boxes.

The postcode 8361 is located in the place IJsselham. This zip code has 191 complete zip codes. IJsselham is located in the municipality of Steenwijkerland and the province is Overijssel. View below all information, street names and zip codes of zip code 8361 from IJsselham.

General information of zipcode 8361 in IJsselham

Overview zipcode IJsselham
Number of zipcodes 5
Zipcode number 8361
Municipality Steenwijkerland
Province Overijssel

What is a PO Box?

A PO box is a facility in many countries to store postal items, which is rented by the addressee. The associated postal service provides the user with a lockable cabinet or storage of larger quantities in the adjacent central space. The separately stored items can be collected during office hours at a special desk.

All streets and zipcodes of zipcode 8361 in IJsselham

8361 EV Lakeweg 1 - 11
8361 EV Lakeweg 2 - 12
8361 EW IJsselhammerweg 1 - 11
8361 EW IJsselhammerweg 2 - 10
8361 EX Kerspelweg 1 - 3

IJsselham on the map

Geographic (GPS) information IJsselham

Latitude and longitude of IJsselham
Latitude (N): 52.80670656
Longitude (E): 5.96268261

Homes for sale on zipcode 8361

Newest houses for sale on zipcode 8361.

IJsselhammerweg 8
8361 EW IJsselham
€ 529.500 k.k.
IJsselhammerweg 8
8361 EW IJsselham
€ 547.000 k.k.