Zipcode 8371WH belongs to post boxes in Scheerwolde

The zipcode 8371WH in Scheerwolde has the number range 2 to 34.

General information of zipcode 8371WH in Scheerwolde

Overview zipcode Scheerwolde
Zipcode 8371WH
Zipcode number 8371
Municipality Steenwijkerland
Province Overijssel

What is a PO Box?

A PO box is a facility in many countries to store postal items, which is rented by the addressee. The associated postal service provides the user with a lockable cabinet or storage of larger quantities in the adjacent central space. The separately stored items can be collected during office hours at a special desk.

All streets and zipcodes of zipcode 8371WH in Scheerwolde

8371 TA Hesselingendijk 4 - 16
8371 TB A. F. Stroinkweg 7 - 9
8371 TB A. F. Stroinkweg 8 - 16
8371 TC Woldlakeweg 1 - 11
8371 TC Woldlakeweg 2 - 18
8371 TD Ir. Luteijnweg 2 - 2
8371 TD Steenwijkerdiep-Noord 7 - 15
8371 TD Steenwijkerdiep-Noord 8 - 16
8371 TE Steenwijkerdiep-Zuid 6 - 14
8371 TE Steenwijkerdiep-Zuid 7 - 17
8371 TG Kooiweg 2 - 2
8371 TH Oeverweg 1 - 1
8371 VG Blokzijlseweg 1 - 5
8371 VG Blokzijlseweg 8 - 10
8371 WB Koningin Julianaweg 1 - 7
8371 WB Koningin Julianaweg 2 - 16
8371 WC Koningin Julianaweg 9 - 23
8371 WC Koningin Julianaweg 18 - 32
8371 WD Geert Luchesenstraat 1 - 15
8371 WD Geert Luchesenstraat 2 - 16
8371 WE Kolk 1 - 27
8371 WG Schoolstraat 1 - 13
8371 WG Schoolstraat 2 - 6
8371 WG Koningin Julianaweg 25 - 25
8371 WG Koningin Julianaweg 34 - 80
8371 WH Brink 2 - 34
8371 WJ Scheerwolderweg 10 - 38
8371 WJ Schoolstraat 19 - 35
8371 WK Scheerwolderweg 1 - 35
8371 WK Scheerwolderweg 2 - 8
8371 WL Kooibos 1 - 7
8371 WL Kooibos 2 - 8
8371 WN Veennepad 1 - 5
8371 WN Veennepad 2 - 6
8371 RA Otterpad 1 - 25
8371 WP Kraggepad 1 - 27

Zipcode 8371WH in Scheerwolde on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Scheerwolde

Latitude and longitude of Scheerwolde
Latitude (N): 52.75704791
Longitude (E): 6.01443874

Homes for sale on zipcode 8371WH

Newest houses for sale on zipcode 8371WH.

Brink 2
8371 WH Scheerwolde
€ 245.000 k.k.
Brink 10
8371 WH Scheerwolde
€ 130.000 k.k.
Brink 12
8371 WH Scheerwolde
€ 95.000 k.k.
Brink 2
8371 WH Scheerwolde
€ 159.500 k.k.

Homes for rent on zipcode 8371WH

Newest houses for rent on zipcode 8371WH.

Brink 12
8371 WH Scheerwolde
€ 645 per maand (geen servicekosten)