Zipcode 9011WZ belongs to post boxes in Jirnsum

The zipcode 9011WZ in Jirnsum has the number range 2 to 8.

General information of zipcode 9011WZ in Jirnsum

Overview zipcode Jirnsum
Zipcode 9011WZ
Zipcode number 9011
Municipality Leeuwarden
Province Friesland

What is a PO Box?

A PO box is a facility in many countries to store postal items, which is rented by the addressee. The associated postal service provides the user with a lockable cabinet or storage of larger quantities in the adjacent central space. The separately stored items can be collected during office hours at a special desk.

All streets and zipcodes of zipcode 9011WZ in Jirnsum

9011 TA it String 1 - 13
9011 TB Veltmanhofke 1 - 9
9011 TB Veltmanhofke 2 - 8
9011 VA Rijksweg 7 - 41
9011 VB Rijksweg 43 - 91
9011 VC Rijksweg 97 - 127
9011 VD Rijksweg 129 - 163
9011 VE Rijksweg 38 - 80
9011 VG Rijksweg 82 - 110
9011 VH Rijksweg 112 - 152
9011 VJ Rijksweg 154 - 192
9011 VK Rijksweg 194 - 202
9011 VL Iisbaenstrjitte 2 - 6
9011 VM Kerkebuurt 1 - 23
9011 VM Kerkebuurt 6 - 8
9011 VN Douwemastrjitte 1 - 27
9011 VP Douwemastrjitte 29 - 63
9011 VR Douwemastrjitte 75 - 99
9011 VS Douwemastrjitte 2 - 14
9011 VT Douwemastrjitte 32 - 74
9011 VV Douwemastrjitte 80 - 102
9011 VW de Terp 1 - 23
9011 VX de Terp 25 - 47
9011 VZ de Terp 2 - 28
9011 WB Himdyk 1 - 45
9011 WC Dekamastrjitte 1 - 11
9011 WD Dekamastrjitte 13 - 27
9011 WE Dekamastrjitte 2 - 22
9011 WG Dekamastrjitte 26 - 58
9011 WH Industriewei 1 - 29
9011 WH Industriewei 2 - 14
9011 WJ Wjitteringswei 1 - 1003
9011 WJ Wjitteringswei 2 - 14
9011 WK Grousterdyk 1 - 23
9011 WK Grousterdyk 2 - 6
9011 WL Abbengawiersterdyk 1 - 5
9011 WL Abbengawiersterdyk 2 - 2
9011 WN Grienedyk 1 - 5
9011 WP Bûtlânswei 1 - 1
9011 WP Bûtlânswei 2 - 2
9011 WR Himdyk 2 - 20
9011 WS de Finne 1 - 3
9011 WT de Finne 2 - 10
9011 WV de Slinke 1 - 21
9011 WV de Slinke 2 - 20
9011 WX de Pôlle 1 - 13
9011 WZ de Pôlle 2 - 8
9011 XA Rijksweg 3 - 5
9011 XA Rijksweg 2 - 34
9011 XB Learewei 1 - 3
9011 XB Learewei 2 - 24
9011 XC Gravinnewei 1 - 21
9011 XC Gravinnewei 2 - 24
9011 XD de Heareburch 1 - 13
9011 XE de Heareburch 2 - 56
9011 XG Molestrjitte 1 - 11
9011 XG Molestrjitte 2 - 8
9011 XH Master Ekke Blaauwstrjitte 1 - 5
9011 XH Master Ekke Blaauwstrjitte 2 - 8
9011 XJ it Efterom 1 - 1
9011 XK Fonterbuorren 1 - 31
9011 XK Fonterbuorren 2 - 28
9011 XL It Kampke 1 - 3
9011 XL It Kampke 2 - 4
9011 XM De Stripe 1 - 5
9011 XM De Stripe 2 - 4
9011 XN Mauritiuspaad 1 - 5
9011 XN Mauritiuspaad 2 - 4
9011 TC Molehiem 1 - 27
9011 TC Molehiem 2 - 24

Zipcode 9011WZ in Jirnsum on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Jirnsum

Latitude and longitude of Jirnsum
Latitude (N): 53.07973726
Longitude (E): 5.7889359