Zipcode 9261VE belongs to post boxes in Eastermar

The zipcode 9261VE in Eastermar has the number range 32 to 62.

General information of zipcode 9261VE in Eastermar

Overview zipcode Eastermar
Zipcode 9261VE
Zipcode number 9261
Municipality Tytsjerksteradiel
Province Friesland

What is a PO Box?

A PO box is a facility in many countries to store postal items, which is rented by the addressee. The associated postal service provides the user with a lockable cabinet or storage of larger quantities in the adjacent central space. The separately stored items can be collected during office hours at a special desk.

All streets and zipcodes of zipcode 9261VE in Eastermar

9261 VA Sytskelân 1 - 15
9261 VA Sytskelân 2 - 20
9261 VB Sytskelân 22 - 64
9261 VC Sumarderwei 1 - 5
9261 VC Sumarderwei 2 - 8
9261 VD Teije Tolstraat 1 - 1
9261 VD Teije Tolstraat 4 - 30
9261 VE Teije Tolstraat 32 - 62
9261 VG Elte Martens Beimastrjitte 1 - 33
9261 VH Elte Martens Beimastrjitte 43 - 71
9261 VJ Elte Martens Beimastrjitte 2 - 46
9261 VK Elte Martens Beimastrjitte 48 - 78
9261 VL Waltsje 1 - 33
9261 VM Snakkerbuorren 3 - 9
9261 VM Snakkerbuorren 6 - 30
9261 VN Schoolstraat 1 - 17
9261 VN Schoolstraat 2 - 20
9261 VP 't Leech 1 - 9
9261 VR Harstepaed 1 - 21
9261 VR Harstepaed 2 - 20
9261 VS 't Hôf 1 - 57
9261 VT 't Hôf 2 - 36
9261 VV Achterweg 1 - 3
9261 VV 't Hôf 38 - 94
9261 VW Grote Hornstweg 1 - 35
9261 VW Grote Hornstweg 2 - 16
9261 VX Middelwei 1 - 1
9261 VX Achterweg 4 - 14
9261 VZ Torenlaan 1 - 19
9261 XA Skûlenboargerwei 1 - 5
9261 XA Torenlaan 18 - 38
9261 XB Mounekamp 1 - 1
9261 XB Skûlenboargerwei 2 - 24
9261 XB Skûlenboargerwei 9 - 17
9261 XC Industrieweg 1 - 7
9261 XC Mounekamp 4 - 4
9261 XD Joerelaan 1 - 5
9261 XD Joerelaan 2 - 6
9261 XE Bosweg 1 - 3
9261 XG It Heechsân 1 - 11
9261 XG It Heechsân 2 - 24
9261 XH It Heechsân 13 - 37
9261 XJ It Heechsân 28 - 70
9261 XK Lange Geestlaan 1 - 3
9261 XK Lange Geestlaan 2 - 4
9261 XL Seadwei 1 - 5
9261 XL Boerestreek 2 - 6
9261 XM Groeneweg 1 - 1
9261 XM Seadwei 2 - 18
9261 XM Seadwei 7 - 27
9261 XN Heidbuurtweg 1 - 17
9261 XP Mâlewei 1 - 3
9261 XR Kleine Hornstweg 2 - 8
9261 XS Zwarteweg 1 - 3
9261 XS Zwarteweg 2 - 10
9261 XT Achttienenweg 1 - 3
9261 XT Achttienenweg 2 - 4
9261 XV Robyntsjewei 1 - 15
9261 XV Bildtweg 2 - 4
9261 XV Robyntsjewei 10 - 22
9261 XW Witveensterweg 1 - 3
9261 XW Witveensterweg 2 - 22
9261 XX Ds. A.W. Buningwei 1 - 21
9261 XX Ds. A.W. Buningwei 2 - 12
9261 XZ Mûntsgroppe 2 - 2
9261 ZA Borstlaan 2 - 14
9261 ZB B.R. Veltmanwei 1 - 21
9261 ZC B.R. Veltmanwei 2 - 16
9261 ZD Blauhûskamp 1 - 45
9261 ZD Blauhûskamp 2 - 24
9261 ZE Boskkamp 1 - 31
9261 ZE Boskkamp 2 - 24
9261 ZG Nije Hoarnstleane 1 - 15
9261 ZG Nije Hoarnstleane 2 - 14
9261 ZH De Kjellingen 1 - 17
9261 ZH De Kjellingen 2 - 18
9261 ZJ Lege Leane 1 - 3
9261 ZJ Lege Leane 4 - 8
9261 VZ Torenlaan 2 - 16
9261 VZ Torenlaan 40 - 42
9261 ZK Nije Yndustrywei 3 - 9

Zipcode 9261VE in Eastermar on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Eastermar

Latitude and longitude of Eastermar
Latitude (N): 53.1736087
Longitude (E): 6.05785976