Zipcode 9606 in Kropswolde

The zipcode number 9606 in Kropswolde belongs to PO boxes.

The postcode 9606 is located in the place Kropswolde. This zip code has 191 complete zip codes. Kropswolde is located in the municipality of Midden-Groningen and the province is Groningen. View below all information, street names and zip codes of zip code 9606 from Kropswolde.

General information of zipcode 9606 in Kropswolde

Overview zipcode Kropswolde
Number of zipcodes 54
Zipcode number 9606
Municipality Midden-Groningen
Province Groningen

What is a PO Box?

A PO box is a facility in many countries to store postal items, which is rented by the addressee. The associated postal service provides the user with a lockable cabinet or storage of larger quantities in the adjacent central space. The separately stored items can be collected during office hours at a special desk.

All streets and zipcodes of zipcode 9606 in Kropswolde

9606 PA Woldweg 31 - 59
9606 PB Woldweg 61 - 109
9606 PC Woldweg 113 - 157
9606 PD Woldweg 161 - 205
9606 PE Woldweg 207 - 245
9606 PG Woldweg 48 - 96
9606 PH Woldweg 98 - 140
9606 PJ Woldweg 142 - 190
9606 PK Woldweg 192 - 228
9606 PL Guitpad 4 - 10
9606 PL Guitpad 7 - 11
9606 PM Meerweg 1 - 45
9606 PN Meerweg 2 - 46
9606 PN Meerweg 87 - 135
9606 PP Meerweg 50 - 64
9606 PR Strandweg 1 - 3
9606 PR Strandweg 2 - 6
9606 PT Schoener 17 - 39
9606 PV Schoener 2 - 46
9606 PW Schoener 48 - 64
9606 PX Aak 1 - 27
9606 PZ Aak 2 - 18
9606 RA Bark 1 - 23
9606 RA Bark 2 - 24
9606 RB Bark 25 - 47
9606 RB Bark 28 - 48
9606 RC Bark 49 - 63
9606 RC Bark 50 - 64
9606 RD Tjalk 1 - 25
9606 RD Tjalk 2 - 24
9606 RE Tjalk 26 - 50
9606 RE Tjalk 27 - 49
9606 RG Tjalk 51 - 75
9606 RG Tjalk 52 - 72
9606 RH Tjalk 76 - 84
9606 RH Tjalk 77 - 85
9606 RJ Vechtlaan 2 - 22
9606 RJ Vechtlaan 3 - 21
9606 RK Maaslaan 1 - 17
9606 RK Maaslaan 2 - 16
9606 RL Merwedelaan 1 - 19
9606 RL Merwedelaan 2 - 18
9606 RM Waallaan 1 - 25
9606 RM Waallaan 2 - 24
9606 RN IJssellaan 1 - 19
9606 RN IJssellaan 2 - 20
9606 RP Rijnlaan 1 - 29
9606 RP Rijnlaan 2 - 28
9606 RR Oeverlanden 1 - 119
9606 RR Oeverlanden 4 - 118
9606 RT Klein Scheveningen 1 - 101
9606 RV Klein Scheveningen 2 - 100
9606 RS Jachthavenweg 1 - 3
9606 RS Jachthavenweg 2 - 2

Kropswolde on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Kropswolde

Latitude and longitude of Kropswolde
Latitude (N): 53.14137027
Longitude (E): 6.71359576

Homes for sale on zipcode 9606

Newest houses for sale on zipcode 9606.

Woldweg 185
9606 PD Kropswolde
Tjalk 56
9606 RG Kropswolde
Schoener 28
9606 PV Kropswolde
Woldweg 165
9606 PD Kropswolde
€ 550.000 k.k.
Schoener 2
9606 PV Kropswolde
€ 550.000 k.k.

Homes for rent on zipcode 9606

Newest houses for rent on zipcode 9606.

Woldweg 218
9606 PK Kropswolde
€ 1.350 per maand (geen servicekosten)
Woldweg 245
9606 PE Kropswolde
€ 750 per maand (servicekosten onbekend)
Woldweg 245
9606 PE Kropswolde
€ 750 per maand (servicekosten onbekend)
Meerweg 62 27
9606 PP Kropswolde
€ 975 per maand (geen servicekosten)
Oeverlanden 95
9606 RR Kropswolde
€ 1.100 per maand (geen servicekosten)