Zipcode 9626 in Schildwolde

The zipcode number 9626 in Schildwolde belongs to PO boxes.

The postcode 9626 is located in the place Schildwolde. This zip code has 191 complete zip codes. Schildwolde is located in the municipality of Midden-Groningen and the province is Groningen. View below all information, street names and zip codes of zip code 9626 from Schildwolde.

General information of zipcode 9626 in Schildwolde

Overview zipcode Schildwolde
Number of zipcodes 66
Zipcode number 9626
Municipality Midden-Groningen
Province Groningen

What is a PO Box?

A PO box is a facility in many countries to store postal items, which is rented by the addressee. The associated postal service provides the user with a lockable cabinet or storage of larger quantities in the adjacent central space. The separately stored items can be collected during office hours at a special desk.

All streets and zipcodes of zipcode 9626 in Schildwolde

9626 AA Hoofdweg 1 - 47
9626 AB Hoofdweg 49 - 97
9626 AC Hoofdweg 99 - 145
9626 AD Hoofdweg 147 - 195
9626 AE Hoofdweg 197 - 221
9626 AG Hoofdweg 2 - 50
9626 AH Hoofdweg 54 - 100
9626 AJ Hoofdweg 102 - 144
9626 AK Hoofdweg 148 - 190
9626 AL Hoofdweg 192 - 218
9626 AM De Holterij 1 - 29
9626 AM De Holterij 2 - 14
9626 AN Jeldingaheerd 7 - 31
9626 AN Jeldingaheerd 2 - 54
9626 AP Schildwolderdijk 1 - 47
9626 AR Schildwolderdijk 55 - 93
9626 AS Schildwolderdijk 2 - 40
9626 AS Schildwolderdijk 95 - 101
9626 AT H. Goeman Borgesiusstr 1 - 45
9626 AV H. Goeman Borgesiusstr 47 - 63
9626 AW H. Goeman Borgesiusstr 2 - 50
9626 AX H. Goeman Borgesiusstr 52 - 60
9626 AZ Doorrit 1 - 11
9626 AZ Doorrit 2 - 8
9626 BA J. Henry Dunantstraat 1 - 31
9626 BB J. Henry Dunantstraat 2 - 28
9626 BC Kolfbaan 1 - 3
9626 BC Kolfbaan 2 - 14
9626 BD Meenteweg 1 - 49
9626 BE Meenteweg 51 - 99
9626 BG Meenteweg 101 - 121
9626 BH Meenteweg 2 - 50
9626 BJ Meenteweg 52 - 92
9626 BK Meenteweg 94 - 110
9626 BL Woltenlaan 4 - 24
9626 BM Singel 1 - 9
9626 BM Singel 2 - 2
9626 BN Slachthuislaan 1 - 5
9626 BP Brinkslaan 1 - 7
9626 BP Brinkslaan 2 - 16
9626 BR Zandenpad 1 - 5
9626 BR Zandenpad 2 - 2
9626 CA Bergpad 1 - 11
9626 CA Bergpad 2 - 20
9626 CB Borggracht 1 - 5
9626 CB Borggracht 2 - 12
9626 CC Schattersum 1 - 45
9626 CC Schattersum 2 - 30
9626 CD Koepellaan 1 - 1
9626 CD Koepellaan 2 - 2
9626 CE Schathuispad 1 - 1
9626 CE Schathuispad 2 - 4
9626 TB Hondelaan 2 - 22
9626 TC Kloosterpad 1 - 1
9626 TC Kloosterpad 2 - 2
9626 TD Kloosterlaan 1 - 1
9626 TE Kampenslaan 2 - 12
9626 TG Bovenvennenweg 1 - 1
9626 TH Afwateringskanaal 2 - 10
9626 TJ Uiterburenweg 2 - 6
9626 TK Dannemeerweg 2 - 8
9626 TK Dannemeerweg 3 - 9
9626 TL Siepweg 5 - 5
9626 TM Taco Haringastraat 1 - 19
9626 TM Taco Haringastraat 2 - 20
9626 ZA Schoollaan 1 - 1

Schildwolde on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Schildwolde

Latitude and longitude of Schildwolde
Latitude (N): 53.23721436
Longitude (E): 6.8061624

Homes for sale on zipcode 9626

Newest houses for sale on zipcode 9626.

Hoofdweg 14
9626 AG Schildwolde
Meenteweg 79
9626 BE Schildwolde
Jeldingaheerd 17
9626 AN Schildwolde
Schattersum 22
9626 CC Schildwolde
€ 289.500 k.k.
Meenteweg 28
9626 BH Schildwolde
€ 335.000 k.k.

Homes for rent on zipcode 9626

Newest houses for rent on zipcode 9626.

H. Goeman Borgesiusstr 9
9626 AT Schildwolde
€ 800 per maand (geen servicekosten)
H. Goeman Borgesiusstr 9
9626 AT Schildwolde
€ 950 per maand (geen servicekosten)