Zipcode 9774TJ belongs to post boxes in Adorp

The zipcode 9774TJ in Adorp has the number range 2 to 2.

General information of zipcode 9774TJ in Adorp

Overview zipcode Adorp
Zipcode 9774TJ
Zipcode number 9774
Municipality Het Hogeland
Province Groningen

What is a PO Box?

A PO box is a facility in many countries to store postal items, which is rented by the addressee. The associated postal service provides the user with a lockable cabinet or storage of larger quantities in the adjacent central space. The separately stored items can be collected during office hours at a special desk.

All streets and zipcodes of zipcode 9774TJ in Adorp

9774 PA Provincialeweg 1 - 37
9774 PB Provincialeweg 24 - 30
9774 PC Spoorlaan 1 - 39
9774 PD Spoorlaan 2 - 24
9774 PE Spoorlaan 28 - 56
9774 PG Molenweg 1 - 29
9774 PG Molenweg 2 - 2
9774 PH Torenweg 1 - 35
9774 PJ Torenweg 2 - 20
9774 PK Torenweg 22 - 46
9774 PL Zuiderstraat 1 - 15
9774 PL Zuiderstraat 2 - 12
9774 PM Wierdestraat 2 - 14
9774 PM Wierdestraat 3 - 9
9774 PN Kleinestraat 1 - 3
9774 PN Kleinestraat 4 - 8
9774 PP 't Ol Streepke 2 - 2
9774 PR Wierumerschouwsterweg 1 - 13
9774 PS Wierumerschouwsterweg 2 - 26
9774 PT Wierumerschouwsterweg 28 - 48
9774 PV Onder de Wieken 1 - 25
9774 PV Onder de Wieken 2 - 30
9774 PW De Vang 1 - 31
9774 PW De Vang 2 - 24
9774 PX De Omloop 1 - 9
9774 PX De Omloop 2 - 8
9774 RA Wethouder D. Kruijerlaan 1 - 3
9774 RB De Stelling 1 - 13
9774 RB De Stelling 2 - 4
9774 RC De Spruit 1 - 5
9774 RC De Spruit 2 - 30
9774 TA Provincialeweg 39 - 43
9774 TD Munnikeweg 1 - 1
9774 TD Munnikeweg 2 - 8
9774 TE Wierumerschouwsterweg 15 - 25
9774 TE Wierumerschouwsterweg 56 - 58
9774 TG Paddepoelsterweg 1 - 7
9774 TG Paddepoelsterweg 2 - 6
9774 TH Hekkumerweg 1 - 15
9774 TH Hekkumerweg 2 - 8
9774 TB Provincialeweg 4 - 22
9774 TB Provincialeweg 32 - 34
9774 TJ Harsema's laan 2 - 2

Zipcode 9774TJ in Adorp on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Adorp

Latitude and longitude of Adorp
Latitude (N): 53.26411407
Longitude (E): 6.54339596