Zipcode 9785AJ belongs to post boxes in Zuidwolde

The zipcode 9785AJ in Zuidwolde has the number range 2 to 20.

General information of zipcode 9785AJ in Zuidwolde

Overview zipcode Zuidwolde
Zipcode 9785AJ
Zipcode number 9785
Municipality Het Hogeland
Province Groningen

What is a PO Box?

A PO box is a facility in many countries to store postal items, which is rented by the addressee. The associated postal service provides the user with a lockable cabinet or storage of larger quantities in the adjacent central space. The separately stored items can be collected during office hours at a special desk.

All streets and zipcodes of zipcode 9785AJ in Zuidwolde

9785 AA Boterdiep Oz 3 - 15
9785 AA Boterdiep Oz 4 - 10
9785 AB Boterdiep Oz 16 - 30
9785 AB Boterdiep Oz 17 - 29
9785 AC Boterdiep Oz 31 - 39
9785 AC Boterdiep Oz 32 - 40
9785 AD Oosterseweg 1 - 27
9785 AE Oosterseweg 2 - 44
9785 AG WS Boterdiep Oz 1 - 17
9785 AG WS Boterdiep Oz 2 - 18
9785 AH Beijumerweg 1 - 13
9785 AH Beijumerweg 2 - 16
9785 AJ Boterdiep Wz 2 - 20
9785 AJ Boterdiep Wz 3 - 19
9785 AK Boterdiep Wz 21 - 41
9785 AK Boterdiep Wz 24 - 38
9785 AL Boterdiep Wz 42 - 52
9785 AL Boterdiep Wz 43 - 55
9785 AM Boterdiep Wz 56 - 68
9785 AM Boterdiep Wz 57 - 67
9785 AN Noordwolderweg 1 - 19
9785 AP Noordwolderweg 21 - 47
9785 AR Noordwolderweg 49 - 55
9785 AS Noordwolderweg 2 - 36
9785 AT Westerseweg 1 - 15
9785 AV Pastorielaan 1 - 27
9785 AW Pastorielaan 2 - 30
9785 AX Nollensteeg 1 - 3
9785 AX Nollensteeg 4 - 10
9785 BA Schoolstraat 1 - 25
9785 BB Schoolstraat 2 - 38
9785 BC Koolstraat 1 - 3
9785 BC Koolstraat 2 - 2
9785 BD Tuinbouwstraat 1 - 27
9785 BE Tuinbouwstraat 2 - 40
9785 BG Van Berumstraat 1 - 11
9785 BG Van Berumstraat 2 - 10
9785 BH Sickinghestraat 1 - 7
9785 BH Sickinghestraat 2 - 8
9785 BJ Lewestraat 1 - 9
9785 BJ Lewestraat 2 - 10
9785 BK Van Starkenborghstraat 3 - 27
9785 BL Van Starkenborghstraat 2 - 24
9785 BM Akkerstraat 2 - 6
9785 CA Kosterijland 2 - 30
9785 CB Kosterijland 1 - 35
9785 CC Kosterijland 37 - 65
9785 TA Oosterseweg 29 - 43
9785 TB Oosterseweg 46 - 64
9785 TC Wolddijk 79 - 93
9785 TC Wolddijk 82 - 88
9785 TD Westerseweg 17 - 25
9785 BM Akkerstraat 1 - 1

Zipcode 9785AJ in Zuidwolde on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Zuidwolde

Latitude and longitude of Zuidwolde
Latitude (N): 53.26525469
Longitude (E): 6.59639971

Homes for sale on zipcode 9785AJ

Newest houses for sale on zipcode 9785AJ.

Boterdiep Wz 9
9785 AJ Zuidwolde (GR)
€ 299.000 k.k.