Zipcode 9792 in Ten Post

The zipcode number 9792 in Ten Post belongs to PO boxes.

The postcode 9792 is located in the place Ten Post. This zip code has 191 complete zip codes. Ten Post is located in the municipality of Groningen and the province is Groningen. View below all information, street names and zip codes of zip code 9792 from Ten Post.

General information of zipcode 9792 in Ten Post

Overview zipcode Ten Post
Number of zipcodes 49
Zipcode number 9792
Municipality Groningen
Province Groningen

What is a PO Box?

A PO box is a facility in many countries to store postal items, which is rented by the addressee. The associated postal service provides the user with a lockable cabinet or storage of larger quantities in the adjacent central space. The separately stored items can be collected during office hours at a special desk.

All streets and zipcodes of zipcode 9792 in Ten Post

9792 PA Rijksweg 2 - 34
9792 PB Rijksweg 36 - 58
9792 PC Rijksweg 105 - 139
9792 PD Rijksweg 141 - 171
9792 PE Rijksweg 175 - 209
9792 PG Rijksweg 211 - 237
9792 PH Damsterdiep-Zuidzijde 7 - 9
9792 PH Damsterdiep-Zuidzijde 6 - 8
9792 PJ B. Kuiperweg 1 - 33
9792 PK B. Kuiperweg 2 - 22
9792 PL Oldenhuisstraat 1 - 37
9792 PM Oldenhuisstraat 2 - 20
9792 PN Hendrik Veldmanstraat 1 - 11
9792 PN Hendrik Veldmanstraat 2 - 14
9792 PP Tammingastraat 3 - 19
9792 PR Tammingastraat 2 - 26
9792 PS Tuwingastraat 2 - 20
9792 PS Tuwingastraat 3 - 13
9792 PT Jan Zijlstraat 1 - 41
9792 PW Johan Rengersstraat 3 - 35
9792 PX Johan Rengersstraat 2 - 34
9792 RA Eestumerweg 1 - 27
9792 RB Eestumerweg 29 - 57
9792 RC Eestumerweg 4 - 14
9792 RD Kromme Elleboog 3 - 5
9792 RD Kromme Elleboog 4 - 4
9792 RE Stadsweg 93 - 123
9792 RG Stadsweg 56 - 82
9792 RH Wolddijk 4 - 4
9792 TA Oldersumerweg 1 - 17
9792 TB Medenweg 3 - 9
9792 TB Medenweg 4 - 10
9792 TC Woldjerweg 1 - 25
9792 TC Woldjerweg 2 - 6
9792 TD Bloemhofweg 2 - 20
9792 TD Bloemhofweg 3 - 5
9792 TE Kerkhorn 2 - 4
9792 TE Kerkhorn 5 - 7
9792 TG Kloosterlaan 2 - 6
9792 TG Kloosterlaan 3 - 5
9792 TH Kollerijweg 82 - 88
9792 TJ Eemskanaal-Noordzijde 13 - 13
9792 TK Vlamoven 1 - 13
9792 TK Vlamoven 2 - 8
9792 PZ Huisburen 2 - 46
9792 PZ Huisburen 1 - 15
9792 SB Fivelhuizen 1 - 97
9792 SC Fivelhuizen 2 - 22
9792 PV Jan Zijlstraat 2 - 32

Ten Post on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Ten Post

Latitude and longitude of Ten Post
Latitude (N): 53.29053748
Longitude (E): 6.74057672

Homes for sale on zipcode 9792

Newest houses for sale on zipcode 9792.

Tammingastraat 26
9792 PR Ten Post
Johan Rengersstraat 6
9792 PX Ten Post
Tuwingastraat 9
9792 PS Ten Post
Kloosterlaan 6
9792 TG Ten Post
€ 425.000 k.k.
Woldjerweg 3
9792 TC Ten Post
€ 549.000 k.k.

Homes for rent on zipcode 9792

Newest houses for rent on zipcode 9792.

Rijksweg 183
9792 PE Ten Post
€ 850 per maand (geen servicekosten)
Hendrik Veldmanstraat 5
9792 PN Ten Post
€ 750 per maand (geen servicekosten)
Rijksweg 183
9792 PE Ten Post
€ 795 per maand (geen servicekosten)