Zipcode 1046 in Amsterdam

The zipcode number 1046 in Amsterdam belongs to PO boxes.

The postcode 1046 is located in the place Amsterdam. This zip code has 191 complete zip codes. Amsterdam is located in the municipality of Amsterdam and the province is Noord-Holland. View below all information, street names and zip codes of zip code 1046 from Amsterdam.

General information of zipcode 1046 in Amsterdam

Overview zipcode Amsterdam
Number of zipcodes 54
Zipcode number 1046
Municipality Amsterdam
Province Noord-Holland

What is a PO Box?

A PO box is a facility in many countries to store postal items, which is rented by the addressee. The associated postal service provides the user with a lockable cabinet or storage of larger quantities in the adjacent central space. The separately stored items can be collected during office hours at a special desk.

All streets and zipcodes of zipcode 1046 in Amsterdam

1046 AA Abberdaan 2 - 114
1046 AB Abberdaan 162 - 218
1046 AC Jarmuiden 5 - 35
1046 AD Jarmuiden 10 - 42
1046 AE Jarmuiden 43 - 87
1046 AE Jarmuiden 44 - 60
1046 AG Pleimuiden 4 - 24
1046 AG Pleimuiden 5 - 21
1046 AH Portsmuiden 1 - 39
1046 AJ Portsmuiden 2 - 36
1046 AK Tijnmuiden 1 - 97
1046 AL Tijnmuiden 18 - 52
1046 AM Portsmuiden 46 - 110
1046 AN Banterij 2 - 20
1046 AP Daveren 25 - 25
1046 AR Limmerick 1 - 19
1046 AS Bolstoen 1 - 15
1046 AT Bolstoen 2 - 26
1046 AV Bolstoen 28 - 38
1046 AW Galwin 2 - 6
1046 BA Scharenburg 1 - 5
1046 BB Scharenburg 2 - 14
1046 BC Herwijk 10 - 12
1046 BD Poortland 2 - 282
1046 BD Poortland 11 - 43
1046 BE Bornhout 4 - 8
1046 BE Bornhout 11 - 15
1046 BG Watervoort 2 - 22
1046 BH Limmerick 2 - 88
1046 BK Aziëhavenweg 10 - 20
1046 BK Aziëhavenweg 19 - 21
1046 BL Doblijn 1 - 21
1046 BM Slego 2 - 4
1046 BN Doblijn 26 - 26
1046 BP Australiëhavenweg 100 - 100
1046 BR Australiëhavenweg 110 - 120
1046 BS Australiëhavenweg 15 - 15
1046 BV Vaalmuiden 1 - 37
1046 BV Vaalmuiden 2 - 6
1046 BZ Baldermoer 11 - 11
1046 CB Berchvliet 1 - 17
1046 CC Pelerin 1 - 1
1046 CH Bristou 1 - 1
1046 CJ Sierenborch 12 - 20
1046 CJ Sierenborch 17 - 25
1046 CK Baionen 6 - 10
1046 PP Bornhout 5 - 5
1046 CG Accason 3 - 3
1046 CA Berchvliet 12 - 34
1046 BG Watervoort 13 - 37
1046 AW Galwin 1 - 5
1046 BM Slego 1 - 1
1046 CC Pelerin 14 - 14
1046 AX Westpoortweg 10 - 10

Amsterdam on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Amsterdam

Latitude and longitude of Amsterdam
Latitude (N): 52.37344272
Longitude (E): 4.90454379

Homes for sale on zipcode 1046

Newest houses for sale on zipcode 1046.

Watervoort 15 -17
1046 BG Amsterdam
€ 15.500 v.o.n.
Tijnmuiden 91
1046 AK Amsterdam
€ 589.000 k.k.