Zipcode 1046BV belongs to post boxes in Amsterdam

The zipcode 1046BV in Amsterdam has the number range 1 to 37.

General information of zipcode 1046BV in Amsterdam

Overview zipcode Amsterdam
Zipcode 1046BV
Zipcode number 1046
Municipality Amsterdam
Province Noord-Holland

What is a PO Box?

A PO box is a facility in many countries to store postal items, which is rented by the addressee. The associated postal service provides the user with a lockable cabinet or storage of larger quantities in the adjacent central space. The separately stored items can be collected during office hours at a special desk.

All streets and zipcodes of zipcode 1046BV in Amsterdam

1046 AA Abberdaan 2 - 114
1046 AB Abberdaan 162 - 218
1046 AC Jarmuiden 5 - 35
1046 AD Jarmuiden 10 - 42
1046 AE Jarmuiden 43 - 87
1046 AE Jarmuiden 44 - 60
1046 AG Pleimuiden 4 - 24
1046 AG Pleimuiden 5 - 21
1046 AH Portsmuiden 1 - 39
1046 AJ Portsmuiden 2 - 36
1046 AK Tijnmuiden 1 - 97
1046 AL Tijnmuiden 18 - 52
1046 AM Portsmuiden 46 - 110
1046 AN Banterij 2 - 20
1046 AP Daveren 25 - 25
1046 AR Limmerick 1 - 19
1046 AS Bolstoen 1 - 15
1046 AT Bolstoen 2 - 26
1046 AV Bolstoen 28 - 38
1046 AW Galwin 2 - 6
1046 BA Scharenburg 1 - 5
1046 BB Scharenburg 2 - 14
1046 BC Herwijk 10 - 12
1046 BD Poortland 2 - 282
1046 BD Poortland 11 - 43
1046 BE Bornhout 4 - 8
1046 BE Bornhout 11 - 15
1046 BG Watervoort 2 - 22
1046 BH Limmerick 2 - 88
1046 BK Aziëhavenweg 10 - 20
1046 BK Aziëhavenweg 19 - 21
1046 BL Doblijn 1 - 21
1046 BM Slego 2 - 4
1046 BN Doblijn 26 - 26
1046 BP Australiëhavenweg 100 - 100
1046 BR Australiëhavenweg 110 - 120
1046 BS Australiëhavenweg 15 - 15
1046 BV Vaalmuiden 1 - 37
1046 BV Vaalmuiden 2 - 6
1046 BZ Baldermoer 11 - 11
1046 CB Berchvliet 1 - 17
1046 CC Pelerin 1 - 1
1046 CH Bristou 1 - 1
1046 CJ Sierenborch 12 - 20
1046 CJ Sierenborch 17 - 25
1046 CK Baionen 6 - 10
1046 PP Bornhout 5 - 5
1046 CG Accason 3 - 3
1046 CA Berchvliet 12 - 34
1046 BG Watervoort 13 - 37
1046 AW Galwin 1 - 5
1046 BM Slego 1 - 1
1046 CC Pelerin 14 - 14
1046 AX Westpoortweg 10 - 10

Zipcode 1046BV in Amsterdam on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Amsterdam

Latitude and longitude of Amsterdam
Latitude (N): 52.39136308
Longitude (E): 4.77610851