Zipcode 1767 in Kolhorn

The zipcode number 1767 in Kolhorn belongs to PO boxes.

The postcode 1767 is located in the place Kolhorn. This zip code has 191 complete zip codes. Kolhorn is located in the municipality of Hollands Kroon and the province is Noord-Holland. View below all information, street names and zip codes of zip code 1767 from Kolhorn.

General information of zipcode 1767 in Kolhorn

Overview zipcode Kolhorn
Number of zipcodes 48
Zipcode number 1767
Municipality Hollands Kroon
Province Noord-Holland

What is a PO Box?

A PO box is a facility in many countries to store postal items, which is rented by the addressee. The associated postal service provides the user with a lockable cabinet or storage of larger quantities in the adjacent central space. The separately stored items can be collected during office hours at a special desk.

All streets and zipcodes of zipcode 1767 in Kolhorn

1767 BA Willem Bestevaerstraat 1 - 37
1767 BB Willem Bestevaerstraat 2 - 34
1767 BC Dirk Burgerstraat 1 - 7
1767 BC Dirk Burgerstraat 2 - 10
1767 BW De Strook 2 - 24
1767 BW De Strook 5 - 25
1767 BX De Strook 28 - 44
1767 BX De Strook 29 - 49
1767 CA Kolhornerkade 1 - 15
1767 CA Kolhornerkade 2 - 4
1767 CB Nieuwe Streek 2 - 32
1767 CC Nieuwe Streek 34 - 68
1767 CD Sportstraat 1 - 35
1767 CE Sportstraat 2 - 40
1767 CG Torenstraat 1 - 37
1767 CH Torenstraat 2 - 52
1767 CJ Kerkepad 1 - 3
1767 CJ Kerkepad 2 - 12
1767 CK Vijverlaan 1 - 9
1767 CK Vijverlaan 2 - 4
1767 CL Plantsoenstraat 1 - 7
1767 CL Plantsoenstraat 2 - 8
1767 CM Kaagstraat 1 - 17
1767 CM Kaagstraat 2 - 48
1767 CN Meekrapstraat 1 - 17
1767 CN Meekrapstraat 2 - 40
1767 CP Oude Streek 4 - 48
1767 CR Westfriesedijk 4 - 50
1767 CS Westfriesedijk 52 - 84
1767 CT Westfriesedijk 86 - 122
1767 CV Westfriesedijk 1 - 1
1767 CV Westfriesedijk 124 - 172
1767 CW Molenkolk 1 - 3
1767 CW Molenkolk 2 - 4
1767 CX Keern 1 - 21
1767 CX Keern 2 - 6
1767 CZ C. Liefhebberstraat 1 - 7
1767 CZ C. Liefhebberstraat 2 - 12
1767 DA Kromme Gouw 6 - 6
1767 EA Kanaalweg 1 - 3
1767 EB Ansjoviskade 2 - 70
1767 EB Ansjoviskade 1 - 39
1767 EC Havenweg 1 - 7
1767 EC Havenweg 6 - 14
1767 ED Albert Beensweg 1 - 7
1767 EH Waardpolderhoofdweg 30 - 30
1767 EJ Waardpolderhoofdweg 32 - 40
1767 EJ Waardpolderhoofdweg 35 - 59

Kolhorn on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Kolhorn

Latitude and longitude of Kolhorn
Latitude (N): 52.79294467
Longitude (E): 4.89409983

Homes for sale on zipcode 1767

Newest houses for sale on zipcode 1767.

Sportstraat 16
1767 CE Kolhorn
€ 275.000 k.k.
Westfriesedijk 60
1767 CS Kolhorn
€ 565.000 k.k.
Meekrapstraat 36
1767 CN Kolhorn
€ 449.000 k.k.
Kaagstraat 40
1767 CM Kolhorn
€ 183.750 k.k.
Sportstraat 17
1767 CD Kolhorn
€ 244.000 k.k.

Homes for rent on zipcode 1767

Newest houses for rent on zipcode 1767.

Ansjoviskade 35
1767 EB Kolhorn
€ 1.900 per maand (geen servicekosten)
Ansjoviskade 35
1767 EB Kolhorn
€ 1.900 per maand (geen servicekosten)
Westfriesedijk 170 -172
1767 CV Kolhorn
€ 1.200 per maand (geen servicekosten)
Westfriesedijk 112
1767 CT Kolhorn
€ 995 per maand (geen servicekosten)
Ansjoviskade 35
1767 EB Kolhorn
€ 1.700 per maand (servicekosten onbekend)