Zipcode 1767CN belongs to post boxes in Kolhorn

The zipcode 1767CN in Kolhorn has the number range 1 to 40.

General information of zipcode 1767CN in Kolhorn

Overview zipcode Kolhorn
Zipcode 1767CN
Zipcode number 1767
Municipality Hollands Kroon
Province Noord-Holland

What is a PO Box?

A PO box is a facility in many countries to store postal items, which is rented by the addressee. The associated postal service provides the user with a lockable cabinet or storage of larger quantities in the adjacent central space. The separately stored items can be collected during office hours at a special desk.

All streets and zipcodes of zipcode 1767CN in Kolhorn

1767 BA Willem Bestevaerstraat 1 - 37
1767 BB Willem Bestevaerstraat 2 - 34
1767 BC Dirk Burgerstraat 1 - 7
1767 BC Dirk Burgerstraat 2 - 10
1767 BW De Strook 2 - 24
1767 BW De Strook 5 - 25
1767 BX De Strook 28 - 44
1767 BX De Strook 29 - 49
1767 CA Kolhornerkade 1 - 15
1767 CA Kolhornerkade 2 - 4
1767 CB Nieuwe Streek 2 - 32
1767 CC Nieuwe Streek 34 - 68
1767 CD Sportstraat 1 - 35
1767 CE Sportstraat 2 - 40
1767 CG Torenstraat 1 - 37
1767 CH Torenstraat 2 - 52
1767 CJ Kerkepad 1 - 3
1767 CJ Kerkepad 2 - 12
1767 CK Vijverlaan 1 - 9
1767 CK Vijverlaan 2 - 4
1767 CL Plantsoenstraat 1 - 7
1767 CL Plantsoenstraat 2 - 8
1767 CM Kaagstraat 1 - 17
1767 CM Kaagstraat 2 - 48
1767 CN Meekrapstraat 1 - 17
1767 CN Meekrapstraat 2 - 40
1767 CP Oude Streek 4 - 48
1767 CR Westfriesedijk 4 - 50
1767 CS Westfriesedijk 52 - 84
1767 CT Westfriesedijk 86 - 122
1767 CV Westfriesedijk 1 - 1
1767 CV Westfriesedijk 124 - 172
1767 CW Molenkolk 1 - 3
1767 CW Molenkolk 2 - 4
1767 CX Keern 1 - 21
1767 CX Keern 2 - 6
1767 CZ C. Liefhebberstraat 1 - 7
1767 CZ C. Liefhebberstraat 2 - 12
1767 DA Kromme Gouw 6 - 6
1767 EA Kanaalweg 1 - 3
1767 EC Havenweg 1 - 7
1767 EC Havenweg 6 - 14
1767 ED Albert Beensweg 1 - 7
1767 EH Waardpolderhoofdweg 30 - 30
1767 EJ Waardpolderhoofdweg 32 - 40
1767 EJ Waardpolderhoofdweg 35 - 59
1767 EB Ansjoviskade 2 - 70
1767 EB Ansjoviskade 1 - 39

Zipcode 1767CN in Kolhorn on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Kolhorn

Latitude and longitude of Kolhorn
Latitude (N): 52.79454937
Longitude (E): 4.88779957

Homes for sale on zipcode 1767CN

Newest houses for sale on zipcode 1767CN.

Meekrapstraat 36
1767 CN Kolhorn
€ 449.000 k.k.
Meekrapstraat 26
1767 CN Kolhorn
€ 249.000 k.k.
Meekrapstraat 38
1767 CN Kolhorn
€ 335.000 k.k.