Zipcode 4704 in Roosendaal

The zipcode number 4704 in Roosendaal belongs to PO boxes.

The postcode 4704 is located in the place Roosendaal. This zip code has 191 complete zip codes. Roosendaal is located in the municipality of Roosendaal and the province is Noord-Brabant. View below all information, street names and zip codes of zip code 4704 from Roosendaal.

General information of zipcode 4704 in Roosendaal

Overview zipcode Roosendaal
Number of zipcodes 41
Zipcode number 4704
Municipality Roosendaal
Province Noord-Brabant

What is a PO Box?

A PO box is a facility in many countries to store postal items, which is rented by the addressee. The associated postal service provides the user with a lockable cabinet or storage of larger quantities in the adjacent central space. The separately stored items can be collected during office hours at a special desk.

All streets and zipcodes of zipcode 4704 in Roosendaal

4704 AB Industriestraat 11 - 69
4704 AD Oostelijke Havendijk 1 - 13
4704 RA Oostelijke Havendijk 18 - 20
4704 RA Oostelijke Havendijk 15 - 19
4704 RB Vlietweg 1 - 17
4704 RB Vlietweg 4 - 32
4704 RD Gewenten 4 - 70
4704 RE Gewenten 31 - 51
4704 RG Borchwerf 2 - 36
4704 RG Borchwerf 1 - 39
4704 RH Hoge Bergen 1 - 23
4704 RH Hoge Bergen 2 - 20
4704 RK Belder 1 - 101
4704 RK Belder 2 - 100
4704 RL Bosstraat 10 - 50
4704 RL Bosstraat 9 - 83
4704 RM Stepvelden 1 - 23
4704 RM Stepvelden 2 - 16
4704 RP Deurlechtsestraat 8 - 8
4704 RR Lagestraat 10 - 10
4704 RS Ziel 1 - 1
4704 RS Ziel 12 - 18
4704 RS Gastelseweg 179 - 185
4704 RT Tussenriemer 1 - 27
4704 RT Gastelseweg 180 - 244
4704 RV Hogerwerf 1 - 17
4704 RV Hogerwerf 2 - 20
4704 RV Gastelseweg 201 - 357
4704 RW Vaartkant 1 - 5
4704 SB Vlierwerf 1 - 13
4704 SB Vlierwerf 2 - 12
4704 SC Aanwas 1 - 53
4704 SE Vaartveld 1 - 27
4704 SE Vaartveld 2 - 18
4704 SR Tussenriemer 2 - 40
4704 RP Deurlechtsestraat 5 - 5
4704 SV Klerkenveld 2 - 22
4704 SV Klerkenveld 1 - 15
4704 SC Aanwas 2 - 2
4704 RC Wagonstraat 2 - 2
4704 RC Wagonstraat 1 - 1

Roosendaal on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Roosendaal

Latitude and longitude of Roosendaal
Latitude (N): 51.52925916
Longitude (E): 4.45869736

Homes for sale on zipcode 4704

Newest houses for sale on zipcode 4704.

Vaartveld 8-A3
4704 SE Roosendaal
Vaartveld 8-A74
4704 SE Roosendaal
Vaartveld 8-A29
4704 SE Roosendaal
Vaartveld 8-A71
4704 SE Roosendaal
Industriestraat 69
4704 AB Roosendaal

Homes for rent on zipcode 4704

Newest houses for rent on zipcode 4704.

Vaartveld 8 a49
4704 SE Roosendaal
€ 285 per maand (servicekosten onbekend)
Vaartveld 8 a48
4704 SE Roosendaal
€ 285 per maand (servicekosten onbekend)
Klerkenveld 3 G17
4704 SV Roosendaal
€ 253 per maand (exclusief servicekosten à € 17,50 /mnd)
Klerkenveld 3 -6
4704 SV Roosendaal
€ 220 per maand (exclusief servicekosten à € 5 /mnd)
Klerkenveld 3 -6
4704 SV Roosendaal
€ 220 per maand (exclusief servicekosten à € 5 /mnd)