Zipcode 4704RK belongs to post boxes in Roosendaal

The zipcode 4704RK in Roosendaal has the number range 1 to 101.

General information of zipcode 4704RK in Roosendaal

Overview zipcode Roosendaal
Zipcode 4704RK
Zipcode number 4704
Municipality Roosendaal
Province Noord-Brabant

What is a PO Box?

A PO box is a facility in many countries to store postal items, which is rented by the addressee. The associated postal service provides the user with a lockable cabinet or storage of larger quantities in the adjacent central space. The separately stored items can be collected during office hours at a special desk.

All streets and zipcodes of zipcode 4704RK in Roosendaal

4704 AB Industriestraat 11 - 69
4704 AD Oostelijke Havendijk 1 - 13
4704 RA Oostelijke Havendijk 18 - 20
4704 RA Oostelijke Havendijk 15 - 19
4704 RB Vlietweg 1 - 17
4704 RB Vlietweg 4 - 32
4704 RD Gewenten 4 - 70
4704 RE Gewenten 31 - 51
4704 RG Borchwerf 2 - 36
4704 RG Borchwerf 1 - 39
4704 RH Hoge Bergen 1 - 23
4704 RH Hoge Bergen 2 - 20
4704 RK Belder 1 - 101
4704 RK Belder 2 - 100
4704 RL Bosstraat 10 - 50
4704 RL Bosstraat 9 - 83
4704 RM Stepvelden 1 - 23
4704 RM Stepvelden 2 - 16
4704 RP Deurlechtsestraat 8 - 8
4704 RR Lagestraat 10 - 10
4704 RS Ziel 1 - 1
4704 RS Ziel 12 - 18
4704 RS Gastelseweg 179 - 185
4704 RT Tussenriemer 1 - 27
4704 RT Gastelseweg 180 - 244
4704 RV Hogerwerf 1 - 17
4704 RV Hogerwerf 2 - 20
4704 RV Gastelseweg 201 - 357
4704 RW Vaartkant 1 - 5
4704 SB Vlierwerf 1 - 13
4704 SB Vlierwerf 2 - 12
4704 SC Aanwas 1 - 53
4704 SE Vaartveld 1 - 27
4704 SE Vaartveld 2 - 18
4704 SR Tussenriemer 2 - 40
4704 RP Deurlechtsestraat 5 - 5
4704 SV Klerkenveld 2 - 22
4704 SV Klerkenveld 1 - 15
4704 SC Aanwas 2 - 2
4704 RC Wagonstraat 2 - 2
4704 RC Wagonstraat 1 - 1

Zipcode 4704RK in Roosendaal on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Roosendaal

Latitude and longitude of Roosendaal
Latitude (N): 51.55798977
Longitude (E): 4.46635938