Zipcode 4825 in Breda

The zipcode number 4825 in Breda belongs to PO boxes.

The postcode 4825 is located in the place Breda. This zip code has 191 complete zip codes. Breda is located in the municipality of Breda and the province is Noord-Brabant. View below all information, street names and zip codes of zip code 4825 from Breda.

General information of zipcode 4825 in Breda

Overview zipcode Breda
Number of zipcodes 36
Zipcode number 4825
Municipality Breda
Province Noord-Brabant

What is a PO Box?

A PO box is a facility in many countries to store postal items, which is rented by the addressee. The associated postal service provides the user with a lockable cabinet or storage of larger quantities in the adjacent central space. The separately stored items can be collected during office hours at a special desk.

All streets and zipcodes of zipcode 4825 in Breda

4825 AA Backer en Ruebweg 2 - 2
4825 AJ Steenen Hoofd 61 - 63
4825 AK Steenen Hoofd 2 - 60
4825 AL Kalshoven 7 - 29
4825 AM Kalshoven 6 - 46
4825 AN Kleine Krogt 2 - 36
4825 AN Kleine Krogt 9 - 37
4825 AP Riethil 1 - 11
4825 AP Riethil 6 - 20
4825 AR Moerlaken 3 - 9
4825 AS Regenbeemd 9 - 37
4825 AT Regenbeemd 6 - 42
4825 AV Hazepad 4 - 28
4825 AV Hazepad 3 - 17
4825 AX Prinsenhil 1 - 29
4825 AZ Eikdonk 4 - 10
4825 AZ Eikdonk 1 - 15
4825 BA Crogtdijk 10 - 58
4825 BC Konijnenberg 1 - 195
4825 BD Konijnenberg 22 - 80
4825 BE Konijnenberg 88 - 108
4825 BG Lijndonk 4 - 4
4825 BG Lijndonk 25 - 25
4825 BH Vossenberg 2 - 14
4825 BJ Terheijdenseweg 115 - 257
4825 BK Terheijdenseweg 259 - 469
4825 BL Oude Baan 1 - 77
4825 BL Oude Baan 2 - 66
4825 BM Trekpot 1 - 1
4825 BN Trekpot 2 - 10
4825 BP Nieuwe Bredase Baan 2 - 30
4825 BP Nieuwe Bredase Baan 3 - 5
4825 BX Salesdreef 1 - 1
4825 BZ Hartelweg 1 - 13
4825 BZ Hartelweg 2 - 24
4825 AR Moerlaken 2610 - 2610

Breda on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Breda

Latitude and longitude of Breda
Latitude (N): 51.5803579
Longitude (E): 4.75557262

Homes for sale on zipcode 4825

Newest houses for sale on zipcode 4825.

Terheijdenseweg 249
4825 BJ Breda
Hartelweg 9
4825 BZ Breda
€ 995.000 k.k.
Terheijdenseweg 241
4825 BJ Breda
€ 360.000 k.k.
Terheijdenseweg 241
4825 BJ Breda
€ 384.500 k.k.
Terheijdenseweg 241
4825 BJ Breda
€ 385.000 k.k.

Homes for rent on zipcode 4825

Newest houses for rent on zipcode 4825.

Riethil 14
4825 AP Breda
€ 185 /mnd
Riethil 14
4825 AP Breda